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Old 03/15/11, 02:38 PM   #1
Comic Relief
TaJaDoru's Avatar
Join Date: 03/15/11
Posts: 47
Default Broken Promises

This is Rated "R" for mild sexual scenes that may not be appropriate for Children and intense Violence.

A/N: All the characters, places, names, and things in this fic are all mine, and nobody touches them at all.

"That Bastard!" Corrie Jones yelled.

"Calm down, Cor," I said. My hands were folded in my lap, and the tears were still silently running down my face. I still couldn't beleive that this happened to me, even though he said that he loved me.

I was a reporter for Charming Times, Thunder Hills premeire magazine. I'd been working there since I was eighteen, and I was happy. I find that my personal life, at times, relates to the stories that I uncover, like this last one that I did. This time, though....my life is the story.

Oh, sorry....my names Natalie Rose, and this is a broken promise.

I've dedicated my life to finding the story. I uncovered a hell of a lot of shit in school, and throughout my adult life as well. Thunder Hills has a lot of stories that need to be uncovered. Thefts, Murders, rapes, crooked cops, anything, I find it. I didn't know that my biggest story would be right under my nose, though.

My life wasn't the best growing up. My mom was murdered when I was five, and my dad wasn't the best. He liked to hit me and my sister. HE hit Melinda hard enough one night that when she hit the floor, she didn't get back up. I watched as he let her die without a trace of remorse, and I called the cops on him. I didn't let her death be for nothing. He swore that he'd get me, but I was placed with a nice foster family that treated me like I deserved.

Thats a different story, though.

After 23 years of perfection, I met hte one guy that I thought was perfect: Adam Blackwell. He was twenty-six, brown hair that didn't follow the natural hair rules, the most amazing and peircing blue eyes, and a great looking body. He was perfect in every single way possible.

I didn't know that the slimy bastard was keeping a dark secret, though.

"Adam?" I asked one morning as I watched him get ready for work.

"What is it, babe?" he asked, sitting on the bed and pulling his shoes on.

"What's this?" I asked, holding up a business card. It was a silver card with a lipstick impression on the back. It had a number but no name.

"It's a business card, thats all, baby. An associate of mine signs her cards like that," he said. He stood up and walked over to me, and he put his arms around her. "I"ll be late getting home. I'm supposed to be sealing the Silvermane deal tonight. I'll be home by eleven, though." He kissed me and he put his hand on my cheek. "I love you and I'll see you tonight."

"Alright. I love you too," I said.

I was fucking dumb enough to beleive him.

After a while, I started getting more and more curious, and I knew that I couldn't dig while he was home. I knew that he liked the newest club in Thunder Hills, Stonems. He was a regular from what I was able to find out.

I followed him in Corries car, knowing that he dind't know what kind it was. I knew that he would be at the club, and I went inside and secluded myself before he could spot me. I watched him as he got a bit too comfy with a girl, and I growled. He put his hands on her waist, and he held her closely as they danced to some slow songs. I watched in horror as he kissed her, their tongues looking like they were playing hockey with each others tonsils.

Her hands tried to go lower on his body, and she stopped at his belt line, a dark look on her face....one that was mirrored on his. I watched as they walked out of the club, and I was in shock.

"The fuck!?" I growled.

Sitting at that table, I was stunned. I didn't know what to do, think, or say. I wasn't moving. I didn't realize, until a few minutes later, that someone was standing next to my table. I looked up, and I saw that I was staring at a man of about 22, silver eyes, and a great smile.

"Umm...hi...umm...I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" he asked. "Oh...sorry. I'm James."

He held his hand out, and I took it, shaking.

"Natalie, and I'd love to," I said. I gathered my things, my purse and coat and went with him, sitting down and starting to talk with him.

As we talked about everything from love to work to what our childhoods were like, I realized that this guy was a hell of a lot better then Adam ever hoped to be. That was when I made a split desicion. I got up and I pulled his chair back, staddling his lap. I put my hands on his face, and I kissed him.

I felt the result of the kiss at once, moaning a bit into it. Adam can cheat on me, but I can't get back at the bastard by doing something that I want? I don't think so. I thought. I felt James' hands on my waist, and a small moan escaped my lips.

"I...mm...take it that there is more....where that came from?" James asked, his voice little more then a whisper as we seperated from the kiss.

"Yes," I breathed, kissing him again.

We decided that we would finish that after we left, and I wiggled the keys to my car. He stood up, and he took my hand and helped me out of the Club. We both had a naughty glint in our eyes, and we knew that this night would end on a climax for us both.

I kept my hand on his thigh, inching closer every few seconds towards the one thing that I wanted. I could tell that I was getting to him, because as he drove, he moaned a bit every time I moved my hand.

We pulled into a two story house a few minutes later, and I got out of the car, amazed at the house. I realized that we were on the south side of Thunder Hills, and I was ready for this. Adam had been neglecting me for too long, and i was ready.We walked inside, and I don't think that we made it all of ten feet past the door because i jumped him and kissed him again, my hands wandering on him.

I vaugely remember him picking me up, his hands on my ass as he walked into the bedroom, but that was the last thing until the next morning. I woke up and looked around, James' hand still on my stomach. I thought about it, and I realized that I had slept with him, just to get even with Adam.

"What the hell?" I asked myself. I got up, holding the blanket to my chest as I went into the bathroom, planning on a shower. As the water hit my back, I started thinking.

Did I really have to do that? Just because Adam was fucking another girl, does that mean that it's alright for me to fuck some random dude that I met at a club? I realized that this had been going on for a while now with Adam, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"What are you doing, Natty? Sleeping with him? THat doesn't make it right, babe," I said, drying my hair. I walked back into the bedroom, thankful that my clothes were in a pile on the floor by the door. I got dressed as quickly and quietly as I could, and I snuck out.

I heard my phone ring, the familiar tone of "I Swear" playing, knowing that Adam had to be wondering where the hell I was since I didn't go home.

"I swear....I need to change that ringtone now. Bad Romance is more like it for us," I growled. Ignorning the call, I got in my Camaro, speeding down to Corries, having texted her saying that I was on my way.

When I got there, she pulled me in her house, looking me in the eyes. "What the hell are you playing at? Not answering the Cell, not returning any texts, didn't bother telling me what the hell you were doing, plus still being in the clothes that you wore to lunch yesterday? What's going on, Nat?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, Cor...I was out last night, and I didn't want to be disturbed while I thought. Plus, I'm a bit on the depressed side," I whispered. I watched as he eyes fell from my face, and I closed my eyes, sighing as I sat back against the couch, putting my head in my heads.

"You're lying to me," Corrie said, looking at me. "Look...I'm your best friend, Natty. Tell me whats's going on."

"FINE! I was trailing Adam last night, and he and some skank started getting a bit too friendly for me, such as groping and grabbing each other. I sat stunned, and I saw a dude walk up to the table, and I looked up. I saw a cute guy, and after a few drinks, I kissed him. I ended up sleeping with him, but if Adam "Mr. Fucking Perfect" Blackwell can cheat, why the fuck can't I?" I growled.

"Just because the good-for-nothing slimeball douche chunks can cheat, it doesn't make it right for you to do it, either," Corrie said, looking at me.

"I did it because I felt good," I said, my eyes blazing. "I wanted it and so did James."

Corrie had been getting ready to speak, but she closed her mouth and licked her lips a bit. "Did....did you say James?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Why?"

"Umm...silver eyes, brown hair?" Corrie asked me.

"Yes," I said.

"It's my brother," Corrie said.

"Oh....shit.....that's awkward...." I muttered.

Corrie nodded, spinning her drink around. "Yeah...look....umm...go home. I'll cover this time," she said. "Go home, get some sleep, and we'll talk later."

"Alright," I whispered.

I walked out and got back in the car, not bothering to text Adam and tell him that I was on the way. I drove back, and I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I pulled into the house, and I got out. I put Corrie on speaker, and I walked in, not talking any chances. I'm glad now that I did....

"BITCH!" Adam yelled, slapping me across the face. He brought his knee up, driving it into my stomach. I fell gasping to the ground, and I flew back as he kicked me again. "You think that it's fucking fine for you to fuck some other dude?! You're mine, bitch, and that trap of yours is all mine, not some hotshot punk that you pick up!"

Fighting the pain in my stomach, I stood shakily. I spat the blood out that was in my mouth from the slap, and I growled.

"I slept with him because you broke my heart, you bastard!" I yelled. "You left with Ms. Blonde Bimbo at the club after letting her run her hands down the front of your jeans in the middle of the fucking floor!"

As Adam started towards me again, I felt my heart racing. I was going to die...BOOM I heard. I saw Adam fall to the floor, a bullet hole in his shoulder. I hit the ground, my entire body shaking as I puked. I couldn't take it....he'd never hit me before....ever....

As I shook, I felt strong, and shockingly familiar arms around me. I felt him, and I knew that I was safe with him.

"James..." I whispered, even my voice shaking.

"I've got you, Natty," he whispered, picking me up.

I may have passed out in the car, but when I woke up I was lying in a bed in the back of a house, a house that wasn't mine. I looked around, and I saw him...

"Welcome back," Jame whispered, the fear in his eyes evident that he'd been worrying about me.

"What....what did I do, James? Did I do something wrong?" I whispered, fresh hot tears streaking down my face.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Natty," he whispered, moving from his chair to sit beside me and hold me again. That's what I needed....someone holding me that wouldn't hurt me.

I heard Corrie walk in, and I realized then where I was. I felt Corries arms around me from the back, and I leaned into her more then James, but I knew that it was because of him that I was alive.

"Natalie," Corrie whispered. "Because of your gut, you're still alive, baby. James is right, though....you did nothing wrong."

I started shaking again, and James kissed my forehead, and I flinched. He put his hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it. As he brushed his thumb across the cheek, I felt the tears falling again. I couldn't speak because it was hard for me to breathe, and I shuddered, knowing that I shouldn't be flinching from him.

"I"m sorry," I whispered, my voice sounding weak to me.

"It's alright, Natty," he whispered.

All that I could do was nod. I could hear him singing, and I felt myself relax in his arms. The last coherant thought that I had was that he was a damn good singer. I fell asleep a few minutes later, my entire body shutting down. I felt safe and secure with James there, and I knew that he wasn't going to hurt me.

I wish then that I knew what Adam was planning on doing....I was being hunted now.

I had a handprint on my face from his slap, as well as a bruise on my stomach from where the fucking bastard kicked me. I went and looked, and I growled. My stomach was a purple color, and I hit my knees. I whined a bit in pain, and I wiped my eyes.

"Nat?" James asked, peeking his head around the door to the bathroom. he knelt beside me, and he put his hand on the handprint. "I want to kill him for that."

"I know, James...I know that you do," I whispered. "James, I..."

"I know, Natalie," he whispered. "Come with me."

I let him help me up, and we walked ouside. I looked around, and I gasped. What I saw was amazing: trees lined all over, beech, oak, ash, cherry....a small lake about a half mile down from where I was standing on the back porch of the house, and I smiled.

I started down to the lake, and I walked about three inches in, just enough to litterally get my feet wet. I felt completely at ease and peace....I should have know that it wouldn't last.

Corrie walked out, and i knew that something was wrong. I went and tan to her, and she fell into my arms, a blood stain on her yellow shirt.

"Corrie! Corrie, no! JAMES!" I yelled. Corrie slipped out of my arms, her head landing in the lake as she floated away, a trail of bloody water following behind her. I hit my knees, and I started shaking again.

James ran down, his gun in hand. Looking at Corrie, he fired two shots, the bullets whizzing right past me. A half inch eiher way, and the bullets would have taken my ears off, that's how close they were. I heard a rustling in the trees behind me, and i turned to look, and i saw two bodies with bullet holes in their foreheads fall.

The last thing that I saw was the sky as I hit my back and passed out. I heard a scuffle, but I didn't think anything about it since I was as good as dead. I fully passed out a few seconds later, and I knew that I was dead.

When I woke up, I realized that I'd been restrained, and I had a ball gag in my mouth. Whoever this was, they were kinky, and I wasn't in the mood. I pulled against the restraints in the chair, and I growled.

"Don't bother struggling, Natalie," a sickling sweet female voice said. "Not like it'll do you any good, anyway, bitch."

"Now, now, Madison.....that's enough," Adams voice growled. "Well....this is a shocker. I aim for the asshole cop, and I get my girlfriend. Nice to see you again, Natalie. I'd expect an answer, but you're a bit tied up at the moment."

He laughed at his own lame joke, and I growled. I hated feeling helpless, and I felt like I did as a kid when Dad used to beat me...I hate this...I really did.

"You hould have known not to fuck with me, Rose. It's not going to do you any good in the long run, and I don't think that it did right now, either," Adam growled, taking the gag out of my mouth. "You're all mine, babe, and you're going to be begging for death when Madison and I get done with you."

As the sick bastard leaned in as if he was going to kiss me, I spat in his face. "Fuck you, asshole. I hate you, and I should have seen through you the first day, but I was so blinded by my lust that I didn't!" I yelled.

As he wiped the spit from his face, he raised his hand. "Ungrateful bitch!" he yelled, about an inch from my face.

I braced for the slap that would break my neck, but it didn't come. A blast of light into the small room stopped him, catching his attention.


"Son of a bitch!" Adam growled.

"JAMES!" I screamed, hoping that he'd hear me. "I'm in here!"

I heard the door get kicked in, and I screamed. Three rounds were fired, and two bodies slumped to the floor. I looked over at Adam and Madison, and I could see the wound in her head, as well as the one in Adams. He had a second wound in his shoulder, and i was happy that he was dead.

One of the guys that kicked in the door walked over and knelt beside me. He took off his helmet, and I was so releived. He undid the restraints on my arms and legs, and I fell into James' arms.

"Natty, you're alright," he whispered. "You're safe. It's over, baby."

"James," I whispered. I knew that I was safe now that I had him back, and i didn't plan on doing anything but being held by him. I couldn't see, but that was because of the tears in my eyes.

"Shhh...." he whispered.

A few minutes, or hours, later, I felt like I was floating. I could tell that I was hooked up to some monitors and an IV, but that was becausethe IV was in the back of my hand and itching. I opened my eyes, and I looked around, seeing the room that i was in. Sunflowers, daisies, and the most beautiful Red Roses that I'd ever seen were waiting for me when I looked. I felt the first smile on my face that I'd had in a long time, and i looked over at the one person that I wanted to see.

"Welcome back, beautiful," James whispered. He put his hand on my leg, and even through the blankets I felt goosebumps on my skin. "We got him."

"I know, James...I know," I whispered. "Is Corrie--?"

"Yeah," James said, his eyes dropping to the floor.

I knew that she was dead when I dropped her at the lake, but I wanted to be sure. I felt my chest tighten up, and I started crying. I had lost my best friend, the one person that I loved like a sister through everything.

"Natty," James whipsered.

"It's all my fault," I whipsered. "If i Hadn't been so stupid...this wouldn't have happened..."

"It is not," James said. "Stop blaming yourself, Natalie. Please. It's not your fault, baby."

I nodded, and I sighed a bit. I knew that I'd have to do something that would hurt more then me, but I knew that it was the right choice. I didn't want to do this, but I didn't see any other option.

"James...knowing Adam, he'll have people that are going to be tracking me," I whispered. My own voice sounded distant to me. "I have to leave..."

"I'm coming with you," James said almost automatically.

"No," I said. "James, don't....I can't lose you at all. It's too dangerous."

"I can protect you, fight for you," James said.

"No, James!" I yelled. "I can't lose you. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

"Alright, Natalie," he whispered. "I just wish that you'd let me."

"I know, but I don't want to lose anyone else that I love," I said.

James looked at me, putting his hand on my cheek. He leaned in and kissed me, and I closed my eyes, leaning in and kissing him back.

"I love you, Natalie, and I hope that you'll come back someday and see me," he whispered.

"I love you, too, James, and i"ll try. I really will try. I'll come home one day, I swear," I said.

That was the last time that I saw him. I got out of the hospital two days later, and I packed and left for Los Angeles that same day. I changed my name, and I hoped that would throw off whoever was tracking me.

"Um, excuse me," I heard.

I turned and saw a woman of about thirty, black hair, silver eyes, and I smiled. "Hi," I said. "Are you--?"

"I"m Demetria," she said. "And that must make you Melinda."

"That's me," I said with a smile on my face.

Finally, it lookedl ike my life was looking up. Adam was dead, I was free and clear from that life. I had someone that loved me, even if he was a few hundred miles away back in Thunder Hills, and i had a good job. Little did I know that surprises were just getting started for me, though.
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