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Old 12/17/17, 02:33 PM   #8
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Default Re: Should Doomsday have been the finale?

Originally Posted by PRangerX View Post
Do you mean those characters are dubbed or those actors weren't credited?
they weren't credited

Originally Posted by Sentai Is Forever View Post
The fact so many characters can be dubbed without people noticing is proof that dubbed Super Sentai would work and probably do even better than American Sentai. Also that they are wasting time and resources by shooting their own scenes.
no it doesn't mean dubbed Sentai can work it just means we were completely stupid as kids and/or didn't give a crap about Rita or Scorpina all that much since we were more focused on the action.
Goranger and even Dynaman are even proof of this. Another country dubbed Goranger in the 70s and it was so horrible that the show failed.
Dynaman failed in the U.S. as well so despite what you would like to believe in your little dream world dubbed Sentai would never be successful.

Also they may be wasting resources but it's Saban's company so it's not our call to make I mean you can whine and complain about it all you want to but it won't be changing anything since he wants the original elements. It's his money to spend so he can spend it however he wants. It's his company's resources so he can do what he wants with them. Don't like it? Tough since you have no power to change it and you never will.
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