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Old 02/09/17, 01:21 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Episode 02 - "Forged in Steel"

The episode did a good job of setting up the status quo of the rest of the season. Im not surprised Aiden isn't found yet. I was surprised that the female villain has the Gold Power Star since I assumed we would find out Aiden pulled it.

I like Hailey and Calvin but did seem.wierd for them to embrace being Rangers so easiky. Of course Preston in Sarah did the same thing. Its wierd how they all just bought in. Especialky when. they act like they never heard of Power Rangers before

It seems a little odd that Mick was just accepted as the new shop teacher no questions asked. It seems he is an alternative version of a mentor. Which is actually a fresh direction. Monty and Victor are going to be pretty annoying. They don't seem to add much or have the heart Bulk and Skull had. Which made those two work so well. I do like the continuinty of having the Ninja Steel be in the trophy from the premiere.

I am confused about the Zords. It felt like the Prism just created them from the Ninja Steel. Yet they popped up like they were hidden.
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