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Old 01/30/15, 09:24 PM   #7
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was pretty good I thought.

I liked the idea of Grimlord sending in one of his robots disguised as a human to infiltrate the Troopers.

And I liked the design behind by him as well.

I also liked seeing the Battle Grid fight with Ryan since we actually got to see him win, and once again it was pretty cool to see another Battle Grid fight that didn’t come right after the Skug fight.

Really I only have one complaint, and it’s more of a nitpick, and a really strange nitpick at that since it ties back into stuff I said back in The Dojo Plot about wanting that episode to be a two parter or something

You see this episode skipped footage from the Metalder episode but you see in the Metalder episode Graybot was an old repair robot, and Cannonbot was his apprentice, and he escaped to fight Metalder personally to prove himself to the other robots.

Well the reason I bring this up was that they showed Graybot beating up, and blowing up other robots, and talking to Cannonbot, and it made me want to see something similar in VR Troopers with the master/apprentice switched with Graybot being a rookie mutant trying to prove himself to Grimlord with the parts where he beats up, and destroys other robots being him training, and then he gets destroyed by Ryan so in the next part Cannonbot tries to avenge Graybot.

It’s also because I remember when PRangerX once made a thread about this very episode because Jeremy reminded him of Tommy when he first showed up, and how he wished Jeremy would turn out to be a real person who would join the Troopers.

And I only bring this up because it reminds me off a couple of similar things I tried to come up with for VR Troopers fanfics.

For instance when I found out that in Spielban Col Icebot, and Red Python where the hero’s father, and sister before being turned into bad guys.

And in Metalder The Armor Army were just human warriors, magicians, and athletes who just wore power armor, and I heard that even the Robot Army started out as humans who had their brains put into robot bodies, and the Monster Army started out as people who were genetically altered into mutants.

Plus there are a lot of later episodes where Grimlord either turns people into mutants or has existing ones disguise themselves as people.

Anyway that gave me the idea to want to see it where all of Grimlord’s mutants at least the high ranking ones where really humans like Ivar or Decimator being his head of security.

Also I wanted to see other Metal Hero shows besides just Metalder, Spielban, and Shaider become VR Troopers.

As well as wanting everything that was multi parters, and story arcs in the Metal Hero shows to be multi parters in VR Troopers but with the VR Troopers storylines.

So I came up with this crazy story where they used the footage for this episode for The Dojo Plot which was a two parter, but they still used the actual story but saved for Season Two, and combined it with Rise of The Red Python, and Kaitlin through the looking glass, and made Jeremy start out as Mad Gallant but turn into Juspion.

I don’t know I’m just throwing out ideas.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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