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Old 02/19/14, 12:53 AM   #6
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

So they all go to the dark room, and transform into the VR Troopers.

The Professor tells Ryan to attack Grimlord's base to stop his army, and gives him a spaceship called the Skybase to do it with.

Just then the Skybase is attacked by Grimlord's remote controlled jet fighters so he fires some missiles at them.

Meanwhile JB and Kaitlin sneak into Grimlord's base, plant explosives in the main power core.

Just then the alarm goes off so the Skugs go after JB, and Kaitlin who try to escape the base in time when they are attacked by a robotic surveillance camera but they manage to escape before it's destroyed.

Which I'll say I like this part because of how it reminds me of a live action Contra.

Back in the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord tells General Ivar to send an Ramada of tanks at the Troopers so the Professor tells Ryan to use the VR Battle Cruiser.

Ryan tries to attack all the tanks but they keep coming so the Professor tells him to attack General Ivar's tank.

The Battle Cruiser, and Ivar's tank try to run each other off but Ryan succeeds in pushing Ivar's tank off the cliff and JB Kaitlin high five while Jeb's eyes bulge out.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord is mad the Troopers beat him and vows revenge.

At the lab the Professor congratulates the Troopers but warns them that Grimlord will strike again.

Then Grimlord himself sends a message to taunt them.

"I miss you Dad" the end.

Last edited by Zabitan; 02/22/14 at 09:28 PM.
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