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04/10/06 01:55 AM

What Color Converse All Star are you?
I'm a Grey Converse All-Star

Calm and down-to-earth, you're the foundation of every successful team. You always get your job done, but people quite often forget you're even there. You're taken for granted, but that's how you like it: the spotlight isn't the place for you. You prefer to stick to your job, which you always do well: never with any flash or flair, and you'll never tell anyone about what you did, but you'll always get it done. You're the Tim Duncan or Ben Wallace of your group: always there, always reliable and often forgotten.


kiraford5 04/10/06 10:25 AM

I'm a White Converse All-Star

Cool and calm, but not laid-back, you're the ultimate in class. You're one of the best at what you do and you don't make a show of it, but you get the recognition anyway. You're the Michael Jordan or Larry Bird of your specialization, always getting the job done, always making the perfect play, never demanding the credit and always getting it anyway. With a wink and tiny salute of acknowledgment to the crowd, everyone will always remember you, but not all will remember why.

Razi 04/10/06 04:33 PM

I'm Green!

Unique and creative, the phrase 'marching to the beat of a different drummer' fully applies to you. You don't always follow the most conventional path, and you've been described as unorthodox more than once in your life. Still, while you have your critics and naysayers, those who truly stand back and observe can't help admiring your creativity. It's not always in art: in everything you do you add a creative flair, often going the long route to add an extra flash to your work. You're the Manu Ginobili, and while you add an extra flair, you don't do it to call attention to yourself - you do it for the sheer skill and art you see in adding your own special touch.


04/12/06 05:21 AM

They sound kinda accurate so far. I must admit that I did laugh when I saw that I got Grey but when I read it i thought I was pretty close what about you guys.

kiraford5 04/12/06 12:05 PM

sounds exactly right about me

Razi 04/12/06 01:35 PM

Mine is right on the money. Its so funny how these online quizzes can be really accurate sometimes.


waaowcazdevil 04/13/06 12:53 PM

If you're a guy you might be startled by this connection, but getting this result probably makes you laugh more than cringe. You're not much to care about what other people think, but you still like to be social. You're yourself, unique and confident. And while over the years you've probably stepped on a few toes, you never let it get to you. You don't speak to please the listener, but rather you simply speak your mind. You're the Charles Barkley of the world, and while you might not be brash, you're equally outgoing and add some spice to every situation.

Andros 04/14/06 12:17 PM

I'm a Grey Converse All-Star!
Calm and down-to-earth, you're the foundation of every successful team. You always get your job done, but people quite often forget you're even there. You're taken for granted, but that's how you like it: the spotlight isn't the place for you. You prefer to stick to your job, which you always do well: never with any flash or flair, and you'll never tell anyone about what you did, but you'll always get it done. You're the Tim Duncan or Ben Wallace of your group: always there, always reliable and often forgotten.

Kari 04/14/06 06:00 PM

I too am Green :D

Razi 04/14/06 08:02 PM


That remindds me of the teams from Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Red Jaguars
Blue Baracudas
Green Monkeys
Oragneg Iguanas
Purple Parrots
Silver Snakes

I gues Kari and I are the Green Monkeys! Go Monkeys!


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