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byson5186 05/17/15 08:05 PM

List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
Anybody who watched the show, remembers how the Power Rangers kept their identities secret. It sounds a little cool, but I'd think people would be able to figure out it was them. It shouldn't have been hard for Bulk and Skull to figure it out. Here are reasons:

1. The rangers always wearing the same color clothes as the color Power Rangers they were.

2. The main cast hangs out regularly, and they are like the most popular members of their school, so well known individuals.

3. Some of the characters seem excellent at Martial Arts, like more so than anybody else at school. They even taught Martial Arts.

4. Every time a monster struck, those characters seemed to be able to get out of school or whatever activity they were in and come up with a different explanation. However, that never rose suspicion.

5. Even when the characters weren't morphed, they frequently talked about what was going on seriously. Anybody listening to their conversations would be able to tell they were Power Rangers.

6. There were some instances where those characters would fight the putties in front of other people unmorphed, when nobody outside the main characters ever took on the putties.

7. Sometimes they even said each others names while next to other characters where they should have been able to hear their names.

8. There were times when they were morphed next to characters including Bulk and Skull or even presenting themselves publicly on Lights Camera Action. If they were among the most popular students, people should have been able to recognize their voices, a little like how we recognize the voices of people we know when they call us on our phone.

9. The main characters always advised against Bulk and Skull trying to use one of their methods in discovering who the Power Rangers were, when most people would probably be curious rather than try to keep their identities secret if they weren't among the Power Rangers.

10. In the episode No Clowning Around, they have everyone leave the park while unmorphed saying Rita's attacking the park and they are the only ones to stay around. Like they'd know who Rita is and why would they stay around when everybody else is leaving.

So even as a kid when Bulk and Skull were always trying to figure out who the Power Rangers were, I always thought it should have been apparent that they were the Power Rangers.

Panther0591 05/17/15 08:06 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
I completely agree! Obviously it is just something in the script, just like how with Superman, he just wears a different costume and takes off his glasses and suddenly no one knows who he really is...I never understood that. It isn't realistic, but neither are these shows (as much as I would love them to be).

MattEmily 06/13/15 08:30 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
I agree with most of your points except for the wardrobe part since that isn't really much of a hint as to who the Rangers are... those people could just be wearing those exact colors out of coincidence because it's a color that they like.

Your "No Clowning Around" reason isn't much of a reason at all since all of Angel Grove was familiar with Rita even if they weren't Rangers themselves... yes it was Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Jason who didn't run out but figuring out the identities of the Rangers wouldn't have been important when you're more concerned about running for your life.

PRangerX 06/13/15 10:40 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
The most impressive part was how they got out of school so easily and weren't such good students.

Of course Turbo later played with the school work part when Cassie got lectured by Caplien.

Rita's Pita 06/16/15 05:54 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
I think the teachers just trusted the MMPR team because they were such good students. Cassie was stilk new and didn't have that reputation yet.

Inner Senshi 06/16/15 05:56 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
I didn't like how the Space Rangers were only shown going to school once. I didn't get why we didn't see them in class more when they were on Earth.

Green Scorpion Ranger 06/16/15 06:00 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out
Actually, I would have rather not seen them back on Earth until the finalie. The episodes in space were the best.

MattEmily 08/20/18 07:10 PM

Re: List Of Reasons Their Identities Could Be Figured Out

Originally Posted by Inner Senshi (Post 55438)
I didn't like how the Space Rangers were only shown going to school once. I didn't get why we didn't see them in class more when they were on Earth.

probably because they just simply didn't want to worry about that stuff when they had more pressing matters to attend to

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