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Tristianity 06/01/02 07:53 PM

"Power Play" Thoughts
M'kay... I have mixed feelings about this episode. On one hand, the story was fairly decent. Merrick finds "a home". The story between him and Shayla gets developed. A new "form" is introduced. But... there were a number of things that just didn't work with me.

Anyway, I LOVE the new intro. The red armor this year probably looks better than any of the previous ones, in my opinion. The new megazord looks sweet as well.

I like the idea behind Merrick going to that bar and then working/living there. However, the bartender TALKED LIKE THIS THROUGHOUT ALL HIS SCENES!!!!

There is one thing about Wild Force that is seriously starting to annoy me. The dialogue. If you really listen, the rangers will actually tell you what is about to happen.

Cole: "We still have our crystals!" Moments later, the crystals are frozen, and stolen.

Alyssa: "How many Org Generals were there 3000 yrs ago?" Surprise, surprise, an Org General shows up a few minutes later.

Danny: "I thought we'd be facing an Org General." Why did he say this?! I'll tell you. Because, for some stupid reason, the writers want to beat us over the head with every nook and cranny of the story of every episode in blisteringly horrible detail, and it's driving me crazy!!! >:

.... Moving on. I like the way Merrick is alerted of danger. The wind picks up and we hear a slight wolf howl. A lot more subtle and cool-looking than some bad plumbing on the Animarium. Also, have I mentioned how much I like Lunar Wolf's suit and powers? Sweet!

Necranomica really didn't do anything to impress me. And worse still, she did exactly what Zen-Aku did all the time. She just left the scene of the (first) battle for no apparent reason. Alyssa had noted this later, but ten bucks sez they never explain why. It woulda been nice to hear that there's some kind of time limit to Toxica using the crown, but... probably won't happen.

"The pond- it's practically erupting!" They really oughtta get that fixed.

I thought the intro for Merrick's cycle seemed kinda forced. And... I just didn't like it.

I'm glad to have the continuity back with Toxica and Master Org. That line about her wanting to not be so dependent on MO was great to me. Looks like we'll have some of our answers soon. I was also glad to see that Toxica didn't just forget about Jindrax after getting her new powers. For a second there, I thought she'd abandoned him or something.

I give this ep a... (*thinks long and hard*)... B--

Next week's ep looks like it's mostly going to be nausiatingly annoying, with the whole farm-boy thing. But once again, they reveal way too much in the preview- concerning Master Org. Ah well, can't win em all.


Poweranimals 06/01/02 10:24 PM


"It woulda been nice to hear that there's some kind of time limit to Toxica using the crown, but... probably won't happen."
That's because there was no time limit. Necronomica in a sense was destroyed. So the powers left her and she became Toxica again.

Tristianity 06/02/02 02:07 AM

No kidding, poweranimals. That's why I said it woulda been nice to explain that. Because Necranomica just disappeared during the first battle. Now what?

Poweranimals 06/02/02 02:22 AM

I think it was obvious. As to why she disapeared during the first battle is the same reason why almost every monster does, so the show can move into a different part of the story.

Tristianity 06/02/02 02:52 AM

Dumb. I'm talking about her individual motivation for leaving. Now, if you're going to say that's how PR is, well, that's the whole point of the statement in the first place.

Maybe if you would wake the hell up and stop trying to start @#%$, you wouldn't be so blinded by your own idiocy.

Poweranimals 06/02/02 04:03 AM

Re: re
The only point I was trying to make is that the crown didn't have a time limit.

Tristianity 06/02/02 03:40 PM

Re: re
Well, guess what, nobody needed you to tell us that. I said it would've been nice for them to explain that (for me).

Windgrail2 06/05/02 03:08 AM

A little logic to the equation...
Think about it this way- what makes a Ranger leave in the middle of a battle? He knows that he doesn't have enough energy to finish the battle. Even though all Ranger Battlesuits are apperantly regenerable, Power levels can get dangerously low. My theory is that she used a boatload of energy on the Rangers, so she had to retreat for a while to regenerate the Crown's Power. That's the "PR Universe" reason. Better than petty bickering?- I think yes.

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