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Zabitan 04/28/17 11:36 AM

Power Rangers Beast Assult
Just for fun I decided to make a pitch for my hypothetical Power Rangers adaptation of Choju Sentai Liveman. I might not make this a real at least not until I do adaptations of the previous Sentai seasons first.

Story: “Thousands of years ago there was an evil space pirate name Captain Dark Star who would go around draining Energeist the life force of planets to maintain his own life so he could live forever.

Not only that but Dark Star, and his minions would abduct the inhabitants of these planets, and work them until their bodies were damaged beyond repair at witch point Dark Star’s minions would use their still living brains, and Energest to create hideous bio mechanical monsters for their invasion efforts.

Dark Star, and his minions invade the peaceful planet of Mirinoi, and kidnap three young warriors, and friends Falco, Panthera, and Delfine who befriend the Edenite robot super soldier Gamma 7 who not only helps them escape but also combines the advanced technology of her planet with the animal spirits of Falco, Panthera, and Delfine giving them the power to become Power Rangers Beast Assault. and protect the universe from Captain Dark Star and are later joined by their friends Taurous, and Rhina.”


Falco: Kind hearted but serious leader (Red Falcon)

Panthera: Geeky Smart guy (Yellow Lion)

Delfine; Hot headed strong woman (Blue Dolphin)

Taurous: Dim witted but good hearted silly guy (Black Bison)

Rhina; Old rival of Delfine’s she learns to put aside their differences (Green Sai)


Gamma 7 (A robot built on the planet Edenoi to*be the perfect soldier she preferred peace instead, and ran*away only to be abducted by Dark Star to be used as a weapon before being rescued by Falco, Panthera, and Delfine, She gave them their powers, and pilots their fortress the Torton (Colon).


Captain Dark Star: An evil space pirate who*steals Energeist from planets so that he himself will become immortal, and enslaves their inhabitants. He also has a habit of shooting down his minions’ suggestions only to give those same ideas himself (Electron Brain)

First Mate Negatron: Dark Star’s sycophantic robot sidekick despite this he is a formidable fighter in his own right when he needs to be. He also creates, and enlarges the monsters. (Guardnoid Gash)

Navigator Creepicus: Dark Star’s boisterous. and easily angry henchman who relishes any chance to personally fight the Rangers (Beauty Beast Kemp, later Fear Beast Kemp, and Fear Beast Brain)

Mechanica: A haughty and superficially air headed but devious robotic female warrior in Dark Star’s crew (Robo Mazenda)

Cabin Boy Zyrox: The strongest, and least intelligent but also the most secretly kind hearted of Dark Star’s minions he is later abandoned by Dark Star, and the other minions, and befriended by the Rangers, and Gamma 7 leading him to switch sides (Beastman Oblar)

Lord Minos: A seemingly human cyborg bounty hunter who can create three clones from his own body (Dr. Ashura)

Cabin Boys Zynthor, and Glack; A thin green alien, and a round orange alien both are petty thieves from the planet ZX12-1000 who are abducted by Dark Star, and work for him to preserve their own lives (Guildos, and Butchy)


Beast Assault Megazord :A powerful robot created by Gamma & to help the rangers destroy Dark Star’s monsters. it is created by combining the falcon, lion, and dolphin Beast Assault zords (Live Robo)

Beast Defender Megazord: A new Megazord created to help fight Dark Star’s monsters when not even the Beast Assault Megazord can stop them it is created from the Bull, and Rhino Beast Assault zords (Live Boxer)

Beast Assault Ultrazord: A seemingly all powerful robot it can destroy all of Dark Star’s monsters (Super Live Robo)

Zabitan 07/05/17 09:05 PM

Power Rangers Star Force
So after getting around to watching Bioman, Changeman, and Flashman I think I came up with how I would Americanize them though I think I would have to change some of my fan names around.

Power Rangers Star Force (Bioman)

"Once there was a beautiful and peaceful planet called Zynda (Planet Bio) until it was conquered and destroyed by the galactic tyrant Lord Nexus (Dr. Man).

Before Lord Nexus destroyed Zynda however the inhabitants created special power suits, weapons, and vehicles including the powerful giant robot the Star Force Megazord (Bio Robo) to protect the universe from Lord Nexus even if they couldn't save themselves.

They also took five infants, and created a robot called Zeta Prime (Peebo) who would watch over them, and one day train them to become the defenders of the galaxy known as Power Rangers Star Force and sent them away in Zynda's last battleship the Star Defender (Bio Dragon).

However Lord Nexus pursued them in his space fortress Castle Starwraith (New Cloud), and in the ensuing battle the space pods containing the five infants landed in different parts of America, and both the Star Defender and Castle Starwraith where trapped in the Antarctic.

The five infants where adopted by Earth families and raised as normal humans. One was named Vincent and became a karate instructor, One was named Walter and became a private detective, another was named David and became an aspiring Olympic runner, one was named Audrey and became a writer and finally there was an aerobics instructor named Amy.

But one day global warming and nuclear weapons testing freed Castle Starwraith from the ice and Lord Nexus and his minions tried to conquer Earth with giant mechanical juggernauts called Titan Borgs (Canths, and Megases).

Luckily the Star Defender was also freed and Zeta Prime sought out the now grown survivors of Zynda and gave them the magnificent powers they had inherited from their former homeworld in order to stop Lord Nexus and save the universe from evil".

Power Rangers Mythic Fury (Changeman)

"The Star Force have successfully destroyed Lord Nexus but he is revived (Giluke) by his own master the cosmic abomination Darklor (Bazoo), and along with his old ally Lady Nebulous (Queen Ahames), and space pirate Captain Voidbeard (Adjustant Booba) he once again pursues the conquest and/or destruction of Earth.

The Star Force Rangers try to stop them but are unable to stop Darklor's alien gladiators (Space Beast Warriors) recruited from the most powerful and vicious creatures in the universe luckily however Zeta Prime is able to tap into the power of the Earth itself including the powers of ancient creatures believed to be myths upgrading their powers into the new Mythic Fury powers to stop Darklor and his gladiators".

Power Rangers Giga Strike (Flashman)

"The Mythic Fury Rangers have destroyed Lord Nexus and Darklor but a piece of Darklor has survived and mutated into a new Darklor (Ra Deus) who along with the evil alien scientist Dr. Splicer (Lee Keflen) uses the DNA of his gladiators and Earth creatures to create new Bio Gladiators (Beast Warriors) to continue their mad plans for Earth.

What's worse is that this time even the Mythic Fury Rangers powers may not be enough to stop them but a newly upgraded Zeta Prime (Mag) has found five legendary Giga crystals that are all that remains of Zynda and uses them for one last power up turning our heroes into the Giga Strike Rangers."

I might come back with character summaries and more stuff but I think that's it for now.

mbozzo 08/21/17 09:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Star Force
I would love to read more of this fan story. :o

Zabitan 08/26/17 09:47 PM

Power Rangers Wild Guard Battalion
Power Rangers Wild Guard Battalion
duhSo ever since Go-Buster got skipped I wanted for the longest time to come up with an idea for a fan made adaptation of it.
However I didn’t want to just make it a sequel or spin off of RPM since everyone, and their grandpa’s dog wanted to do that but I admittedly couldn’t think of anything different,
But then I remembered that before RPM came out I had an idea for how I was going to adapt Go-Onger, and I thought that I could retool it to be a Go-Buster adaptation.

“The Cydrack Corporation a corrupt company responsible for numerous offenses against the environment is secretly a race of demonic cyborgs known as the Cyberdark out to conquer the earth, pollute it and replace humans, and other creatures with or convert them into cyborg creatures.

They start their campaign by attacking a rain forest benefit race in the city of Clover Springs California, luckily however a small group of teenagers are recruited by a secret government agency called the Environmental Maintenance Coalition to defend the Earth against the Cyberdark.

They are Power Rangers Wild Guard Battalion”.

mbozzo 08/28/17 09:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Wild Guard Battalion
I can't wait to see how your Go-Buster adaptation turned out. :o

mbozzo 12/03/17 02:57 PM

Re: Power Rangers Beast Assult
I can't wait to read the stories based on the Sentai series, Liveman. :D

A Gia To Remember 12/03/17 03:06 PM

Re: Power Rangers Beast Assult
Sounds interesting.

Kaoskid 12/06/17 11:56 PM

Re: Power Rangers Beast Assult
I would read it

Zabitan 12/08/17 09:45 PM

Re: Power Rangers Beast Assult
At some point I need to write this but if I did I would have to start with my Power Rangers versions of Goranger-Maskman first.

I am thinking of making this thread, and some of my other pitches one big pitch thread same with making my Morphinverse thread, and the comments thread one big thread.

Zabitan 02/14/18 11:45 PM

Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
Since I already have a thread for the actual story/stories, and one for people to comment on it I decided to merge all my concepts and pitches for my Power Rangers fanfics.

So I'm thinking of writing my own Ultimate/Revisited version of Power Rangers Season One that I'm currently calling Power Rangers Morphinverse.

Right Now I just have a basic idea for it based on what I've seen of Zyuranger, and the real Power Rangers Season One.

Power Rangers Morphinverse Season One (Power Rangers Dino)

Synopsis: Once upon a 10,000,000 years ago Earth was in the middle of a wondrous age. The dinosaurs were still around. Humans had just appeared. As did creatures we now regard as mythological. And what we now know as Antarctica was once the shining empire of Atlantis colonized by peaceful beings from Earth, and all the peaceful planets of our universe.

But one terrible day various beings from Earth, and other planets turned to evil, and went on mad crusades to conquer the universe. And few of these evil beings were as powerful, and as evil as the sorceress Rita Repulsa a maniacal witch who despised things like goodness, and innocence so much that she lead an army of evil mythological beings to destroy all who had those things especially children, and eventually because of this she drove dinosaurs, and mythological beings to extinction, and destroyed Atlantis.

But there was hope for her evil was not unimpeded. For you see a kind, and wise wizard known as Zordon helped to found an intergalactic legion of heroes who combined the most ancient magic with the most advanced technology giving them amazing weapons, abilities, and vehicles. These heroes were known as Power Rangers.

Zordon went to Earth, and from each of the five tribes of Atlantis he recruited their bravest, wisest, and noble warrior, and he gave them the power of the mighty dinosaurs they worshiped turning them into the Power Rangers of Earth each powered their guardian dinosaur. the Tyrannosaurus, the Mastadon, the Triceratops, the Sabre Toothed Tiger, and the Pterodactyl.

Eventually Zordon, and his Rangers were able to seal Rita Replusa, and her minions in a dumpster like prison where they were condemned to an eternity of immortality but without the ability to interact with the outside world. But this was not without sacrifice for not did Zordon's Rangers ultimately give up their lives but Zordon himself was trapped in a time warp forcing his mechanical assistant Alpha 5 to spend 10,000,000 long years trying to find him.

In modern times a pair of astronauts found Rita's prison, and accidentally freed Rita, and her minions, and now she once again continues her mad crusade to destroy all life on Earth but thankfully Alpha 5 has found Zordon, and although he can't be fully returned from the time warp he has found five direct descendants of his ancient Ranger team in the form of a group of seemingly ordinary teenagers named Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly.

Revealing to them the secrets of the past, and their own ancestors Zordon gives the five friends the Powers of his last team of Rangers such as the Power Weapons mystical swords, axes, lances, daggers, and bows that can combine to form a devastating plasma cannon called the Power Blaster, and Zords mighty, and ferocious robotic dinosaurs that combine to become a powerful, and noble robot knight called a Megazord.

Using these wondrous abilities the five teenagers are Earth's only hope to prevent Rita Repulsa from finishing what she started eons ago, and destroying Earth, But will their greatest threat end up coming from one of their own? or will he be the key to fulfilling Zordom's prophecy of putting an end to Rita's evil ways.

Zabitan 02/15/18 12:04 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
Power Rangers Solaris Crusade (Maskman)

Story: "It is the year 2588 five hundred years after an event called the calamity in which pollution, and nuclear war nearly destroyed the Earth forcing humanity to split into two groups those on the surface, and those in the center of the Earth.

Because of this humans, and other lifeforms evolved into various tribes of strange creatures but the various tribes lived in peace and harmony with each other until the evil subterannean mutant warlord Strontion with the help of his minions Princess Draco, Baron Shellor, Frictor, Ninjana, and Shocktohead conqured the underground tribes of Nocturna with their vicious monsters the Merloids.

Meanwhile the surface dwelling tribes of Solaris are celebrating Princess Corona's intent to marry one of the princes the various tribes, and lowly cobbler Daelon impersonates a prince to see her, and the two fall in love.

Unfortunately Corona is kidnapped by Strontion, and his minions, and frozen in their underground prison leaving Daelon, his two friends Flora, and Quikler, and two of Corona's friends, and royal guards Flexx, and Shino to save her, and protect the surface.

Luckily scientist, and wizard Icaron has combined both current, and ancient technology with the magic of the Tribes of Solaris giving Daelon, and the others the power to become Power Rangers Solaris Crusade"

Inner Senshi 02/15/18 10:45 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
All your ideas would make for great seasons!

Cosmic Ranger 02/15/18 10:49 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
So in the Maskman adaption are all the main villain's henchmen originally tortured humans?

Blastr Zack 02/15/18 10:51 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
It will be interesting to see how your MMPR differs from the real one.

Astro Omega 02/15/18 10:55 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
I'm just a little confused. Since your origin starts out as Earth Based and then sounds like it takes place in outer space too.

Continuity Ranger 02/15/18 10:57 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
I like how you have continuity for three of your adaptations.

Zabitan 02/15/18 11:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread

Originally Posted by Cosmic Ranger (Post 74447)
So in the Maskman adaption are all the main villain's henchmen originally tortured humans?

Well Princess Draco, Baron Shellor, and Ninjana are mutant humans are at least creatures that evolved from humans.

I'm not sure what Frictor should be since either he's a mutant human or he was some animal that evolved into a human like creature.

Shocktohead is some either some kind of mutant insect/octopus hybrid or two mutant creatures in a symbiotic relationship.

I also realized I forgot Animagmus so I guess he would be called Duke Goyle.


Originally Posted by Blastr Zack (Post 74448)
It will be interesting to see how your MMPR differs from the real one.

Well I already wrote my version of Season One in my main Morphinverse thread if you want to check it out

All you really need to know is that it's like the Season One we did get but I threw in stuff from Zyuranger, and my own stuff.


Like Dai Satan is Lord Zedd instead of Lokar, and it's revealed he used to be the Green Ranger before Tommy, and I incorporate the dinosaur eggs storyline, and Bandora's tragic backstory.

I still have to watch Dairanger, and Season Two again so I can do my version of Season Two.


Originally Posted by Astro Omega (Post 74449)
I'm just a little confused. Since your origin starts out as Earth Based and then sounds like it takes place in outer space too.

Well it's Earth but in some post apocalyptic future where people became mutants because of radiation, and pollution.

Originally it was going to be thousands of years ago, and be about an ancient civilization but I thought it would be hard to explain how modern everything looked, and I already had a bunch of stories about ancient civilizations.

Also spoilers for Maskman:
I kind of thought the part in Maskman where they explained the origin of Lethal Doggler/Emperor Zeba looked like something out of a post apocalyptic story.

Like the pond where Lethal Doggler was born was made out of toxic, and nuclear waste, and the people who sealed him away where survivors of a nuclear apocalypse.

Zabitan 02/17/18 12:21 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
This thread reminded me I made some changes to my own names, and concpets.

GoRanger-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (since in my Morphinverse stories MMPR is called Power Rangers Dino: 20 million years ago the first Ranger team composed of Zordon, and his allies from various planets protect the universe from his evil brother Zoltar/Dark Spector.

JAKQ-Power Rangers Royal Flush: A government agency recruits various people from various backgrounds to wear special suits to battle the evil Machine Empire. Commander Mitchell is Spade Ace.

Battle Fever J-Power Rangers World Strike: A sequel to Royal Flush in that the Pink Ranger from that team is also the Pink Ranger of that team in which the international version of Royal Flush's agency recruits members from around the world to stop Dark Spector from invading Earth.

Denjiman-Power Rangers Shine Force: Set 15 million years ago Zordon now retired from being a ranger leads a new team of Rangers who protect an Eltarian space colony on Earth from the evil queen Pollutica. Demon King Benkei is Master Vile.

Sun Vulcan-Power Rangers Nature Fist: The ancient civilization of Jungala recruits three of it's most powerful warriors to battle the evil alien overlord Balkor, and a revived Pollutica.

GoggleV-Power Rangers Five Star: A young Andrew Hartford, and his friends must protect the powerful Vor crystals from the evil Dr. Vorstien, and his bio-mechanical mutants.

Dynaman-Power Rangers Legendary Voyage: The second season of Five Star in which the Five Star rangers must upgrade their powers to stop a newly upgraded Vorstien, and his new super mutants.

Bioman-Power Rangers Star Force: Various random people discover that they are the sole survivors of a destroyed planet, and with the help of a robot from their destroyed homeworld they must use their powers to stop Lord Nexus the galactic tyrant who destroyed their world

Changeman-Power Rangers Mythic Fury: Lord Nexus is revived by his own master the cosmic abomination Darklor to continue his conquest of Earth forcing the Star Force Rangers to combine their powers with those of the Earth itself, and mystical creatures to stop him.

Flashman-Power Rangers Giga Strike: A piece of Darklor survives, and mutates into a new Darklor joined by a new minion Dr Splicer to once again conquer the Earth forcing the Mythic Fury Rangers to combine their powers with the remnants of their home planet to save the Earth one last time.

Maskman-Power Rangers Solaris Crusade: Five hundred years in the future the beautiful Princess Corona is kidnapped by the evil mutant warlord Strontion forcing five of the surface's bravest warriors to save her.

Liveman-Power Rangers Beast Assault: Thousands of years ago in what is now called the Lost Galaxy three young warriors from Mirinoi join forces with an Edenite super robot to battle evil space pirates.

Turboranger-Power Rangers High Octane: Five members of an amateur racing team are recruited by a good alien named Grpyhiton to protect Earth from the alien tyrant Xylos who plans to conquer it.

Fiveman-Power Rangers Earth Defense Force: A sequel to High Octane in which the High Octane Rangers must upgrade their powers when the evil empress Bourialla, and her minions want to conquer Earth.

Jetman-Power Rangers Sky Patrol: The heroic alien warrior Aquilus is the sole survivor of the planet Talos destroyed by the evil Dementio empire. Aquilus finds four Earthlings, and gives them the powers of the ancient protectors of his planet enabling the five of them to protect the Earth.

Zabitan 05/27/20 12:55 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts thread
So I decided to post a list of names of fan versions of Power Rangers, and various other Sabam superheroes in my Morphinverse fan AU.

August 1977: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Goranger Season 1)

August 1978: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2(Goranger Season 2), Masked Rider Season 1(Kamen Rider Season 1)

August 1979: Power Rangers Royal Flush(JAKQ), Masked Rider Season 2(Kamen Rider Season 2)

August 1980: Power Rangers World Strike(Battle Fever J), Masked Rider Tri(Kamen Rider V3)

August 1981: Power Rangers Shine Force(Denjiman), Masked Rider Crosser(Kamen Rider X)

August 1982: Power Rangers Nature Fist(Sun Vulcan), Masked Rider Repton(Kamen Rider Amazon)

August 1983: Power Rangers Five Star(Goggle V), Masked Rider Voltar(Kamen Rider Stronger)

August 1984: Power Rangers Mega Assault(Dynaman), Masked Rider Soar(Skyrider)

August 1985: Power Rangers Star Force(Bioman), Masked Rider Supremeo (Kamen Rider Super 1)

August 1986: Power Rangers Mythic Fury(Changeman)

August 1987: Power Rangers Giga Strike(Flashman)

August 1988: Power Rangers Solaris Crusade(Maskman)

August 1989: Power Rangers Beast Assault(Liveman)

August 1990: Power Rangers High Octane(Turboranger)

August 1991: Power Rangers Earth Defense Force(Fiveman)

August 1992: Power Rangers Sky Patrol(Jetman)

August 1993: Power Rangers Dino(Zyuranger)

August 1994: Power Rangers Thunder(Dairanger), VR Troopers Season 1(Metalder, Spielban)

August 1995: Power Rangers Ninja(Kakuranger), VR Troopers Season 2(Shaider,Spielban, Juspion), Masked Rider Bio(Kamen Rider Black)

February 1996: Karato Season 1(Jiban, Winspector, Solbrain, Exceedraft)

August 1996: Power Rangers Zeo(Ohranger), VR Troopers Season 3(Shaider, Spielban, Juspion, Sharivan, Gavan), Masked Rider Bio Season 2(Kamen Rider Black RX), Big Bad
Beetle Borgs(B-fighter)

February 1997: Karato Season 2(Janperson, Blue Swat)

August 1997: Power Rangers Turbo(Carranger), Beetle Borgs Metallix(B-Fighter Kabuto), Ninja Turtles the next mutation

February 1998: Ninjaman(Jiraiya)

August 1998: Power Rangers in Space(Megaranger), Mystic Knights of tir na nog

August 1999: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy(Gingaman)

August 2000: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue(Go Go V)

August 2001: Power Rangers Time Force(Timeranger), Masked Rider Gilgamesh(Kamen Rider Kuuga)

August 2002: Power Rangers Wild Force((Gaoranger), Masked Rider Orpheus(Kamen Rider Agito)

August 2003: Power Rangers Ninja Storm(Hurricanger), Masked Rider Draco(Kamen Rider Ryuki)

August 2004: Power Rangers Dino Thunder(Abaranger), Masked Rider Code 555(Kamen Rider Faiz)

August 2005: Power Rangers S.P.D.(Dekaranger), Masked Rider Spade Ace(Kamen Rider Blade)

August 2006: Power Rangers Mystic Force(Magiranger), Masked Rider Echo(Kamen Rider Hibiki)

August 2007: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive(Boukenger), Masked Rider Horn(Kamen Rider Kabuto)

August 2008: Power Rangers Jungle Fury(Gekiranger), Masked Rider Chrono(Kamen Rider Den-O)

August 2009: Power Rangers RPM(Go Onger), Masked Rider Knightmare(Kamen Rider Kiva)

August 2010: Power Rangers Samurai(Shinkenger), Masked Rider Omega(Kamen Rider Decade)

August 2011: Power Rangers Megaforce(Goseiger), Masked Rider Duo(Kamen Rider W)

August 20012: Power Rangers Legendary Voyage(Gokiager), Masked Rider Chimera(Kamen Rider OOO)

August 2013: Power Rangers Beast Morphers(Go Buster), Masked Rider Astro(Kamen Rider Fourze)

August 2014: Power Rangers Dino Charge(Kyoruger), Masked Rider Mystic(Kamen Rider Wizard)

August 2015: Power Rangers Imagination Express(Toqger), Masked Rider Seed Knight(Kamen Rider Gaim)

August 2016: Power Rangers Shinobi Steel(Ninninger), Masked Rider High Speed(Kamen Rider Drive)

August 2017: Power Rangers Wild Cube Crusaders(Zyuohger), Masked Rider Spirit(Kamen Rider Ghost)

August 2018: Power Rangers Universe Defenders(Kyuranger), Masked Rider Jump (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)

August 2019: Power Rangers Night Robbers vs Power Rangers United Patrol(Lupinranger vs Patoranger), Maksed Rider Mix Master(Kamen Rider Build)

August 2020: Power Rangers Dino Fury(Ryusolger), Masked Rider Monarch(Kamen Rider Zi-O)

August 2021: Power Rangers Crystal Cruisers(Kirameiger), Masked Rider Andro(Kamen Rider Zero One)

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