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Starlight Starbrite 03/31/15 05:34 PM

Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
In "Astronema Thinks Twice," Dark Specter seems to have a plan with Astronema to betray the Space Rangers yet she turns on Dark Specter in the end and helps the Rangers. It seems odd that she would have planned it that way. Since she never told Andros about Specter's plan and the Rangers were pretty shocked at the original betrayal. So it seems like she betrayed them but had second thoughts.

Green Scorpion Ranger 03/31/15 06:02 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
I think they were just faking Specter out. Astronema probably told Andros about the plan but they kept it secret from the other Rangers to fake out the UAE. It had to look genuine or Specter would have suspected something. Astronema probably didn't know about Zordon being really not there.

Cassie Zhane 04/01/15 08:39 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
Astronema was good by this point. The writers were just trying to keep the audience guess whether she was genuine or not.

Captain Codfish 04/01/15 10:46 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
She was torn on what to do and went through with the betrayal at first. She had second thoughts and saved the Rangers.

No Green Spandex 04/02/15 07:32 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
Thats why they tited the episode "Astronema Thinks Twice ".

KimandTommy 04/11/15 05:26 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
Astronema just jumped ship because she knew Specter was gonna lose faith in her no matter what. It's silly that Karone got a free pass for her evil deeds.

Lightspeed Zeo 04/11/15 05:29 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
Doesn't really matter since Astronema/Karone made the right choice in the end. I don't think even she knew what she was going to do untill she made her choice.

MattEmily 04/11/15 08:55 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?

Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 54159)
Astronema just jumped ship because she knew Specter was gonna lose faith in her no matter what. It's silly that Karone got a free pass for her evil deeds.

I agree that Astronema likely jumped ship because Dark Specter wasn't going to have the same faith in her as he once did however I do believe she was truly good at that point in time no matter what. I believe at first she may have had evil intentions when she escaped her restraints and left the Megaship but I do believe she did truly change her mind on her own in order to become good.

Also enough of this free pass garbage. Knock it off. It's getting old. "Oh Karone is getting a free pass yet every single other being that falls under an evil spell gets a free pass and where's your comment to that?

Kimberly fell under evil spells before that disrupted team chemistry especially the one that got her really angry towards Tommy.

Tommy has been under numerous evil spells including ones that caused him to fight the others... where's your righteous act with that? Spell or not he shouldn't get a free pass just because he was a Power Ranger.

Kat was under a spell and acted as a villain. Where's your comment on that? She shouldn't get a free pass just because she became a Ranger.

Magna Defender. Where's your high and mighty attitude in regards to his one's attitude? He was willing to kill kids even if it meant getting his revenge on Scorpius. He shouldn't get a free pass just because he turned good and sacrificed himself.

Ryan. He shouldn't get a free pass from working with the demons and actually attacking the other Rangers on Diabolico's orders.

Merrick. Spell or not he shouldn't get a free pass just because he was under a spell so where's your comment on that?

We can go on and on about this. Hunter and Blake. Kira. Trent. Syd. Leanbow. Nick. Sentinel Knight. Lily. RJ. All of them have been under evil spells - some have even caused them to attack others but regardless they shouldn't have gotten a free pass.

Yes Karone became evil under her own free will but she was kidnapped when she was a child. A child... and she looked up to Ecliptor, a being that was built to be evil as her own Father. Just because she wasn't arrested or anything of the sort doesn't mean she's not paying for her deeds as Astronema. She's made up for them and she'll have to live with the guilt of being Astronema forever.

Lightspeed Omega 04/12/15 03:06 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
I think its more unrealistic for Ryan since Lightspeed was a military orginization that had strict rules. The Spaces team was.on their own.I am glad Lightspeed didn't waste time with legalities.

MMPR Forever 04/12/15 03:13 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
I'm with KimandTommy. I hated Katherine and didn't like Karone. She was a poor repeat of Kat anyway. At least Kat was part of MMPR. Even though she was bad to the bone. All those characters Matt listed annoyed me. According for Tommy, since Rita's spell was harder to break with the Sword of Darkness.

Dayu's Tears 04/12/15 03:18 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
I think Kat and Karone were both great characters who achieved redemption when it counted. Kat broke her spell herself to save Kimberly. Karone overcame years of bad upbringing to become good. All the examples Matt listed are true. Tons of Rangers have been put under evil spells against their will.

No Green Spandex 04/12/15 03:20 PM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
I'm actually gonna defend Tommy and say that he was no doubt a good guy in season 1.

Sentai Guy 04/17/15 11:17 AM

Re: Did Astronema originally plan on betraying Andros?
"Astronema Thinks Twice" was a great episode.It really showed how well pr could hold up by its writing at that point.

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