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Becky G 03/17/15 07:01 AM

Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 1

(Back at my layer I get a unexpected visitor)

So your the great Captain Harlock Demaras been telling me so much about....why you haven't destroy the rangers.

Prince Vekar *Bows before him*

With all due respect I wounded one of them and the other is still out of commission.

All the more you should be out there destroying the rest of the rangers not hiding.

I have a plan and my own monster to carry out my plans....introducing.

*Summons Anglerfish*

Meet Anglerfish he's the toughest and meanest aliens around besides you sire.

What can he do that others have tried and failed.

He can capture the leader of the power rangers starting with the red ranger....but this particular red ranger is the one who took down the leader of the nighloks another powerful force that was here before we came along...with his power we will be unbeatable.

But those medallion fools will stop you....what are you going to do with the megaforce rangers.

That is phase 2 of my plan....we will then turn our attention to the leader of the megaforce rangers....with both of the red rangers powers we will rule this planet.

No I will rule this planet....enough talking go get me the red ranger's powers....I want their powers and this planet.

As you wish sire.


Anglerfish....go to earth to a place called Panorama City and find the Samurai red ranger and bring him here to me.

As you wish.

*Teleports to earth to Panorama City*

*At the docks fishing and listening to my music through my headphones*

Ah feels good to be home...can't wait to surprise everyone that I'm back especially Lauren.

Was walking around the city trying to find a wedding gift for Antonio.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:02 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 2

*Appears in the water by the docks where I notice some fishing*

Oh look a fisherman lets give him a scare and bring out the rangers....

*Attaches myself to his line*

Oh wow this must be a big one.

*Feels the tug*

This is going to be the catch of the day.

*Reels it in*

Gets to the pier and sees Antonio walks over and helps him Looks like you got a bite do you need help reeling it in.

*Goes down*

Ahhh....you messed with the wrong fisherman.

*Pulls out my samurai morpher*



*Looks over at Lauren*

You might want to call the others for this one.

Oh good you must be the gold ranger that no one seems to know about...well doesn't matter your fish food.

No I maybe a fisherman but your also a fish or whatever you are anyways I'm going to cook and serve you for dinner.

Hang on Gets my shodophone out calls the others Guys Antonio and i need help there is a monster at the docks Go Go Samurai Morphs into the red samurai ranger Gets my spin sword out and starts attacking.

*Em got the call*

Go Go Samurai as she morphed into the yellow ranger and pulled out her earth slicer as she saw the fish.

*Emma came to Panorama to photograph and film nature she pulled out her morpher*

Noah I'm in Panorama now filming for nature magazine and i can help with the call let Gosei know that help is needed.

Gets there sees Em Antonio and Lauren and morphs Go Go Samurai Helping Antonio.

*Sees that the girl is the red ranger*

Wait a second....your the red samurai ranger?

I was misled....doesn't matter no one can stop the plan.

She's not just a girl....she is the rightful leader and most powerful red samurai ranger and you will be defeated.

*Em stands next to Antonio and the others*

Your one ugly fish.

I'm the only red samurai ranger here no one knew red was a girl except Xandred i sealed him.

Are you ok Antonio.

*Emily uses her earth slicer and swings it towards the ugly fish*

Guys we have never seen this monster before something doesn't feel right about this something is way off.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:02 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 3

Nonsense this monster is going down like the rest.

*Pulls out my barracuda blades and charges after him*

Foolish rangers...

You dare to challenge me.

*Turns to jelly allowing the slicer and the blades to go through me*

Ha ha ha that tickles give me a challenge.

*Slashes the gold and the yellow rangers knocking them back*


*Goes down*

That hurts...my barracuda blades has no effect on him.

Must be part jelly fish Uses my spin sword and fire smasher hitting him hard.

*Emily goes down*

This is one slippery monster.

Goes over and helps both of them up.

Thanks Mia we need a new plan of attack.

Your welcome Lauren is trying something.

Ha ha ha.

*The fire smasher goes through me*

Haven't you rangers heard....i am unbeatable.

*Slashes the red ranger knocking her down*

*Sees Lauren go down*

That does it fish face you messed with the wrong rangers.

*Em charges at him full force*

Gets back up with my spin sword charges behind him hitting him hard.

Ha ha ha foolish rangers.

*Both attacks go through me making the rangers hit each other*

Ha ha ha when are you rangers going to get it...your weapons are useless against me.


*Runs over to them*

You 2 alright?

*Looks over at Anglerfish*

Your going to pay for that....come on lets get out of here and regroup he's to powerful.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:05 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 4

Gets up slowly with my spin sword on the ground leaning on it walks over and picks up my fire smasher looks at Anglerfish Your here for some reason we will find a way to defeat you.

*Em holds her head and her arm*

I think so.

Helps her up Easy Em he's right we have to regroup.

Thanks Mia but it hurts.

I will check it when we get back.

Come on Lauren we have to regroup.

*Grabs Lauren's hand*

Oh no you don't....the red rangers not going anywhere.

*Grabs the red ranger with my tentacles*

Hey let go of me you ugly jellyfish.

*Pulls the red ranger in*

Your coming with me....we will meet again rangers.

*Disappears with the red ranger*


*Dives over just missing them*

No I failed....they're gone.

Walks with Em Don't worry we will get her back wonder what he wants with Lauren.

*Gets up to one knee*

Mark my words i'm going to find her and i will save her.

*Gets up the rest of the way and runs off*

Walks with Em gets her home sits her on the couch bandages her head and arm You just rest and relax we have to get her back.

I know Mia,

*Em falls asleep*

*Gets to the pier to think where or why Lauren was taken*

Walks to the pier and sees Antonio How are we going to find her if we don't know where she went with that freak.

*Keeps looking down at the water*

I don't know but I'm not giving up I will find her.

*Turns to walk away*

She might not be here she might be somewhere else like in another city.

*Appears at the base with Lauren and throws her body down in front of Harlock*

Here she is the samurai red ranger.

*Em wakes up and slowly gets to her feet as she morphs and goes looking for that fish freak*

Come out where ever you are fish face give us back our leader.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:06 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 5

*Looks down at the red ranger*

This is the fearless leader who took out Master Xandred....put her in the cage but first.

*Takes Lauren's shodophone*

You won't be needing this....now put her in the cage and come with me we have another stop to make.

*Picks up Lauren and throws her in the cage and leaves with Harlock*

*Em with her sword out and waiting as she whispers*

Lauren we will get you back hang on a little longer,

*Serena shows up at the pier with Mia and Ant*

Guys what's going on where's Em and Lauren.

*Looks over my shoulder just as i'm walking off*

Where Lauren is i will be there to save her.

*Grabs my tackle box and walks off*

Em went to go find Anglerfish Lauren was kidnapped by him and taken to another city Ant isn't happy at all.

Her head and her hand are the only part of her that hurts We have to find Lauren Ant is determined to find her before something bad happens.

*Appears on a rooftop in Harwood County*

Anglerfish....here in this city is another powerful red ranger....they call him megaforce red....your job is to find him and bring him to me so we can bring both the red rangers back to the Armada where we will drain their powers and take over this planet once and for all...now go and watch out for his tricks and his little friends that may get in ur way.

*Emma was in the forest taking pictures of nature and all the animals*

Noah how is my morpher coming along.

Don't Captain Harlock the red ranger is as good as caught.

*Looks down and sees the pink ranger in the forest*

Looks like I see one of his friends now...

*Teleports to the forest*

Pink ranger....looks like I got you all to myself.

*Emma looks at him and puts her camera away*

Who or what are you.

I'm just....about......done.

*Finishes the morpher and hands it to you*

Its done....and looks like just in time because there is a monster in the forest and Em is in trouble.

I am Anglerfish and I came for your leader....call him.....call him now or be destroyed.

I don't know where he is I haven't seen him all day so get lost you ugly fish.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:08 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 6

Yeah but i think it's a trap you know they always think of one.

You left me no choice.

*Entangles Emma with my tentacles*

Call him or get crushed.

*Squeezes Emma*

Come on lets go and we can contact Troy on the way.

Let me go you ugly fish freak I'm not joking with you.

*Emma tries to free herself*

Ok i hope Emma is ok.

yeah me too....there she is....*pulls out my legendary morpher*


*Dives over cutting the tentacle*

Good to see you guys, where's Troy he wants Troy.

Super Megamode Morphs Using my blaster blasting him.

*The blaster goes through me*

You may have gotten lucky blue for the save to the pink ranger but your weapons are useless against me.

We need help where is Troy.

*Contacts Troy again*

Troy come in we need you in the forest.

*Emma pulls out her morpher*

Go Go Megaforce I'll teach you to keep your tectacles to yourself.

*Emma charges at him*

*Answers the call*

I'm on my way.

*Pulls out my legendary morpher*


*Shows up in the forest and starts blasting him*

Noah i hope Gosei can tell us what's going on when we get back.

Ha ha ha....red ranger your finally here.

*Sees the pink ranger charging at me*

Oh no you don't.

*Fires at her as she runs at me*

*Emma goes down hard demorphing as she holds her arm*

Troy be careful.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:11 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 7

*Sees Emma goes down*

Your going to pay for that....i'm going to make fish food out of you.

*Charges in blasting him*

Nice try red ranger....

*The blaster goes through me*

My turn.

*Fires a blast at the red ranger*


*Runs in front of Troy taking the hit and drops*



*Watches Noah take the hit and falls*

Thats it fish face....your going down.

*Runs in and start slashing and kicking Anglerfish*

Ha ha ha ha....that tickles....

*Grabs the red ranger and throws him around*

Runs over helping you up Are you ok. we have to do something.

Ahhhh....let me....

*Gets slammed*


That hurts.

*Tries to get up*

We have to help Troy....

*Emma watches as she tries to stand*

Let him go fish face, guys what do we do we can't lose Troy.

To bad rangers he's coming with me....and we will meet again rangers.

*Teleports with Troy*


*Drops to my knees*

Troy...what does he want with Troy?

See told you it was a trap no one listens we need to talk to Gosei.

Noah are you alright.

*Walks over and helps him up*

Gia we lost him it's all my fault I had to do what I love most.

*Cries silently*

When I find that fish he's toast.

Rangers come back to the command center I may know what they are planning.

See told you that we need to talk to him let's go we need to hurry.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:12 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 8

*We head to the command center*

Gosei what's going on we can't defeat that fish and why did he take Troy.

My sensors are indicating that there are 2 red rangers heading to the Armada.

Besides Troy the other red ranger is the red samurai ranger who came before us.

*Emma looks at them*

How is that possible that there is another red ranger, i want him back and i will get him back that fish is dead meat when i find him.

Yes Gia the red samurai ranger that came before Troy is here, but she is not on earth as we speak...

That explains it guys....thats why he only wanted Troy he already had the other red ranger....but what about the rest of the samurai team I know they can't be to far.

We have to get them back how do we fight this fish as a team minus 2 rangers.

Noah your right the samurai rangers are here and they to are looking for their leader I'm bringing them here now.

*Tensou locks on them and teleports the samurai team to the command center*

*Teleports in*

Whoa....that was weird.

*Looks around*

Even weirder where are we?

Your right this place is weird.

*Emily and Serena look around*

Emily: Who are you and why are we here.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:14 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 9

Greetings samurai rangers and welcome to the command center...i am Gosei and this is my trusted friend and helper Tensou...and these are my rangers...I brought you rangers here to help each other to get our leaders back.

Emily: This is my sister Serena she's pink RPM, wait you mean you know where Lauren is,

*Em leans on Mia and Serena*

I'm Noah the megaforce blue....according to Gosei yours and our leaders are not on this planet.

Wait a second.....you mean to tell me aliens....aliens have Lauren.

They can't be worse than what we fight but we will get her back but we also have to deal with that ugly jelly fish.

Emma: Yeah we fought him to and our weapons went through him.

I hope they are ok we need to defeat that jelly fish and get them back.

*Emma sits down as does Emily*

Emma: Gosei how do we get them back and fight that fish.

We will get the leaders back but first we have to take care of Anglerfish first and i have a new power card for Noah....when the time is right use it on him and you will freeze him making him vulnerable to all attacks.

*Gets the card*

Whoa....mega epic this will come in handy with that transparent freak.

That is really awesome your lucky you have the power of water just like Kevin.

Emma: So if Noah freezes the fish we can all attack it at different angles.


Emily: But when or how do we know if he comes back what if he's gotten stronger.

Em breathe and calm down Noah can freeze him then we can hit him with everything we got.

*Serena takes her sister's hand*

Serena: She's right Em breath it will be ok,

Becky G 03/17/15 07:14 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 10

Emma: Gosei I'm going back to the forest to think call me if that fish comes back.

Now Anglerfish...go back to earth and finish off those rangers i will take them to the Armada.

*Walks by the cage and teleports taking both the red rangers with me*

At once...

*Teleports back to earth*

Rangers Anglerfish is back on earth...go now and let the power protect you.

Lets go guys....

*Runs out towards the city*

*Emma, Emily and Serena run to the city and morph*

Serena: RPM Get In Gear, Emily: Go Go Samurai, Emma: Go Go Megaforce, Megaforce Pink.

*They pull out there weapons*

Emma: Noah you will let us know when to attack.

Follows behind them morphing Go Go Samurai Has my spin sword out.

Stands next to Noah Morphed Remember your in charge since Troy isn't here.

Haven't you rangers learned by now...your puny weapons are useless against me.

Stands there next to them along with Mike and Jay with our weapons out.

Well in that case its a good thing i'm not using any weapons.

*Pulls out my new card and inserts it in my Gosei morpher*

Gosei morpher....freeze beam.

*Fires at Anglerfish*

Ahhh...what the.

*Remains standing moving slowly*

What did you do to me.

Emma: Your not gonna win this time fish freak and i'm gonna make you wish you never came here and messed with me, my friends and Troy, you took him away from me and your going down.

Noah shall we attack on all sides.

I slowed you down....guys its time...lets make him pay.

*Summons my shark bow gun*

Lets do it guys.

*Fires my shark bow gun*

Gets my tiger claw out hitting him with it.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:15 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 11

Gets my spin sword and sky fan out and hits him with them.

*Emma pulls out her phoneix shot, Emily pulls out her spin sword and Serena pulls out her blaster and they all fire at the same time*

Mike, Jay and i get our weapons out and hit him hard.

Ahh no.

*Falls* lucky shot.

Ok team one more attack should do it...victory charge guys.

*Pulls out my sea brothers and activates it*

Pulls out my land brothers and activates it.

*Emma pulls out her sky brothers, and activates it.

Ok guys let him have it.....fire.

*Unleashes the victory charge blast*

Unleashes mine remember what comes next.

*We fire ours*

Oh no.

*Takes the hit*

No one was supposed to be able to hurt me....

*Drops blowing up*

Emma: Now we have to get Troy and Lauren back.

Emmy we aren't done yet.

*Comes back to life and grows*

Ha ha ha you megaforce rangers can't beat me that easily.

Oh yes thats right i read about Nyloks they have 2 lives we beat the first and now here is his 2nd life....whoa he's even uglier than before.

Emily: We have to put all the zords together.

Let's get this over with.

Yeah lets do this...

*Pulls out my legendary morpher*

This is the only megazord we can make without Troy....SUPER MEGA MODE!!!.

Your right about that Pulls out my legendary morpher SUPER MEGA MODE!!!.

The samuari rangers have their black box from what i read and we have skyship key code...

*Types in the skyship*

*Emma pulls her out to*

Super Mega Mode,

*Emily pulls out hers ape folding zord, as Serena pulls hers out*

*Summoning skyship*

Come on guys lets finish this creep and get Troy and Lauren back.

*Jumps on*

Jake: *Jumps on after Noah*

You didn't think I was going to let you do this without me did you.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:21 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 12

Wow now that's taking charge to Jumps in it too Let's get this done.

Emma jumps onto the ship as the samurai rangers make there megazord and Serena adds her to it*

Release the zords....oh and Jake I'm glad to have youu here....now lets bring them together.

*Starts combining the zords*

I'm just glad Jake is here to help us to.

Yeah i know...legendary megazord ready!!.

*Lands back on the ground to join the samurai rangers*

Let's do this together.

*Serena smiles at her sister and the team as well as the Megaforce rangers*

Serena: Let's finish this fish and get our leaders back.

You beat me once but there is no way you can beat me again...i'm bigger and stronger than before.

We'll see about that....SUPER MEGA FINAL STRIKE!!

*Inserts the key and fires*

*Takes the hit and falls*

Ahh...guys lets use the same plan from before.

*Gets up and pulls out my gosei morpher*

Lets see you get out of this one...

*Activates my shark mechazord and insert the new power card*

Freeze Beam...

*Activates the freeze beam firing it through my shark mechazord*

Nooooo....not again.

*Gets hit slowing me down*

That did it...now lets put an end to this creep.

Yeah let's i just hope Gosei can get them back before something bad happens to them.

Yeah but first lets put an end to this creep once and for all.

*The samurai rangers form the battle wing cannon and the super megaforce rangers inserts their keys for the super mega victory strike and both teams fires together*

Nooooo.....not again.

*Falls blowing up*

Becky G 03/17/15 07:22 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 13

*As the rangers was putting a stop to Anglerfish the gold ranger was looking for a way to head to outer space alone to rescue the 2 leaders and just when he thought he had no way he found abandoned spacecraft that crashed landed here on earth so he fixed it up in order to fly it to the Armada*

Rangers....the gold ranger is not on earth anymore...you must help him before its to late.

Don't tell me he went to go get both of them back what is he thinking.

I can't wait any longer....we can't wait any longer i have to get onto that ship and try to delay their operation long enough until my friends catch up.

*Emma looks at the others*

Emma: I'm gonna stay here i don't want to see how hurt Troy is, Gosei can i please stay here or go to the forest.

*Look on the scanner*

Prince vekar...the gold ranger is coming here....i think he's coming for her.

*Points to Lauren*

Then take care of him but leave my rangers here i am not done with them.

Guys we have a problem Gosei said that Antonio went to the Armada to get them back we have to go and help him i know he's worried about Lauren.

Emma: You all go I'm staying here just seeing Troy hurt and powerless scares me, Gosei send me to the forest please.

Em you know Troy is strong i don't think he's the one that is hurt.

We have to go help Antonio and get them both back before something bad happens to them how did he get up there.

Yeah Gia is right Troy is tough and i bet Lauren is just as tough but doesn't mean they can't still get hurt we have to go...both Troy and Lauren needs us.

Emma: You saw him get hurt out in the forest and it's my fault he got taken in the first place for helping me when I was down you guys go ahead I'll be in the forest it' calm and i can think please go without me.

The gold ranger found an alien space ship...he's very resourceful.

Both are tough but when Lauren tried to seal Xandred it failed she got hurt bad i hope Antonio is ok.

Emily: I'm sure Lauren and Antonio will be ok if he sees her hurt he will go ballistic, so we should go, Serena: Emma I know how you feel but your a team as are we just think about it and if you want to help Gosei can always teleport you from the forest, am i right Gosei.

You all must go...the Armada is growing stronger and i'm afraid it may take all of you to bring them back safely.

Noah i know Troy gets his power from his cards which is connected to Gosei what happens if that power gets taken what will happen to Gosei.

*Emma sighs*

Emma: Alright let's go.

Yeah Emma is right....enough talking.

*Takes my legendary morpher and summons skyship*

Lets go rangers.

*Jumps on to the ship*

Becky G 03/17/15 07:23 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 14

Jumps into the skyship with Kev, Mike and Jay.

Jumps into the skyship and stands next to Noah.

*Emma, Emily and Serena also jump into the sky ship*

You heard the prince take down that space ship....the gold ranger must not make it here.

*Bruisers aim the weapons towards Antonio's ship*

Now fire!!

*Fires at Antonio's ship*

Uh oh i knew they would of seen me coming but thats not going to stop me that easily.

*Pulls out my samurai morpher*


If they detected Antonio they can also detect us we need to get there now we are running out of time.

Do i have to do everything around here.

*Aims the weapons at the gold ranger's ship myself*

Now this is how its done.

*fires hitting the ship*

Uh oh...time to go.

*The ship gets destroyed*

Oh no...i just lost the lock i had on the gold ranger's ship...its its gone.

Ha ha now thats how you shoot...prince the gold ranger is no more.

Vekar: You better be right for your sake...now go finish draining their powers.

As you wish my prince.

*Walks back to the controls*

You can always track his samuraizer.

Emma: Noah we have to hurry maybe i can use my Phoenix zord to find Antonio and than sneak around the back of the ship and find a way in.

Thats not a bad idea....but don't worry about Antonio...i just did a scan and it didn't detach any bodies out here just the debris of his ship.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:24 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 15

Emma: Alright i'll try and clear the ship so you guys can get there in one piece is that alright Noah since your leader.

*Lands inside the Armada ship*

Whispers: Whoa that was close now to find the red rangers.

*Tip toes around the ship*

I just hope it's not to late and hope we can get there in time.

Rangers i found the gold ranger...he's inside already...Emma go inside and look for Antonio to help him free the red rangers we will catch up.

Emma: Alright be careful guys.

*Emma takes her zord and jumps into it and flys towards the back of the Armada ship*

Your a great leader Troy will be proud of you i know i am.

As for the rest of us...Gia your with me Mia and Emily you 2 enter in from the sides and as for Jake and Serena you 2 stay here with the ship no one on or off the ship other than us we will get the leaders back...lets go.

Serena: Alright just be careful all of you,

*Emma jumps off her Phoenix zord and onto the ship sneaking in as she calls out for Antonio*

Emma: Antonio where are you.

Jake: Yeah guys just bring both of the red rangers back safely in one piece.

Alright Mia...Emily you 2 up first go take your positions.

Emily: Alright.

*Mia and I get to the sides and wait*

You and i do make a great pair and cute couple.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:25 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 16

That we do...ok we're in position.

*Jumps inside*

*Continues to tip toe around*

what was that...who's there.

*Looks around and sees someone coming so i hide*

*Emily and Mia get in form the sides*

Emma: Noah, are you guys here,

*Tries calling Antonio on his morpher*

Takes your hand holding it.

*Hears the footsteps getting closer*

*Holds gia's hand*

Don't worry we will get them back and bring this ship down in the process...

*Answers Emma's call*

Emma we're in the ship...did you find Antonio.

*Emma listens and looks for him as she watches for the others*

Emma: I think so I'm not sure just be careful.

*As soon as the person came around the corner i jumped out and grab them not knowing it was Emma*

I hope she finds him and then finds both Troy and Lauren hope we don't lose Gosei.

Don't worry we won't fail...we will save them.

*Emma looked at him*

Emma: Whoa you scared me, good to see you to, the others are here but they need us to find Troy and Lauren.

Stays really close to you still holding your hand.

Oh its just you....I'm glad to hear that you guys came to help me.

Emma: Of course they want us to get Troy and Lauren but carefully so we don't get caught.

Yeah I know....but we better hurry before they finish what ever they are planning to do with Lauren and Troy.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:26 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 17

Emma: Yeah.

*Emma stays close to him as they continue to look for them*

*still working at the control console*

Prince Vekar...the process is nearly complete.

*An X Borg comes to Harlock interrupting him to tell him we have intruders*

*Emma places her hand on Ant's arm*

Shh listen i hear something were getting closer but i need to tell the others.


*Runs out the lab to go check it out*

Do what you must....but the lab is right there i'm going in....

*Runs up ahead into the lab*

*Emma calls Noah*

Guys were at the lab but you've got company coming,

*Emma ducks and slides into the lab behind Antonio*

*Gets the call*

Ok Emma....you 2 be careful we can handle Harlock.

Emma: Alright will do you guys to.

*Emma right next to Antonio as she looks over*

Antonio look they look so weak we have to get them out.

I hope Troy and Lauren are ok let's deal with this freak Still holding your hand.

*Spots the blue and yellow rangers*

You rangers made the biggest mistake coming here....your not leaving here in one piece.

*Looks over at the control console*

Emma look over there....

*Points out Lauren and Troy's morphers*

Whatever we do don't let go of my hand we can take him together.

So how do we do it do i grab the morphers and we use them to destroy the console to free them.

Yeah we can take him together but we might want to use 2 hands....we both know how tough this creep is.

Ok let's do this together and get rid of him once and for all.

Becky G 03/17/15 07:26 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 18

*Emily and Mia come from the sides swords drawn ready and waiting to attack, back in the lab Emma looking at the morphers and than Troy and Lauren and moves closer to the machine to retrieve them*

*Goes to the control console*

I have some good news but bad news for these aliens....this console is linked to this whole ship..i can bring it down from here...

*Emma looks at him*

We have to get them and get out in one piece so is there away to disconnect the morphers.

Argus: Not so fast gold ranger....the prince wants their power and thats just what he gets.

*Emma pulls out her sword*

Leave him alone, Antonio try and get them free i'll handle this creep.

Let me see you try yellow ranger....and you to blue ranger.

*Draws my sword out*

*Emily and Mia along with Kevin and Mike quietly come out and attack from behind and the side*

Emma: Your gonna wish you never messed with my friends.

*Emma sword ready and a little angry*

Gets my saber out charging at him trying to hit him hard.

Argus: Oh no you don't gold ranger...

*Goes to stop the gold ranger by attacking him*

*Emma runs towards him and attacks him with her sword*

Get away from him now or i will destroy this control console.

Oh look the Calvary has arrived....so the 6 of you think you can beat me.

*Blocks their attacks with my sword and pushes all off*

*Emily and Mia as well as Kevin Jay and Mike go down*

Emily: That was a mistake, Go Go samurai.

*Pulls out her earth slicer and sword and attacks*

We have to get this done so we can get them out of here.

Argus: Yeah go ahead destroy the console and your friends will go with it ha ha ha ha..

Noah to bad Gosei can't get them out how do we tell Emma not to destroy the console or Troy and Lauren will go with it.

Emma he's right....the console is connected to them.

*Tries to reprogram the console*

Becky G 03/25/15 07:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 19

Emma: Can you try i'll fight him as long as i can.

*Emma continues her attack on Argus*

*Emily and the others continue to attack Harlock*

Troy are you ok please wake up they are trying to save us we can't distract Antonio he's working on the console Sits up looking at Antonio working on the console but also sees the others fighting but notices Emma Hey pinky i hope this is almost over i'm stroger than this i can beat this and it won't hurt.

*Emma looks over and mouths*

What I'm trying to fight him so I can give Antonio time.

You can try to fight me pink ranger but you will lose.

*Slashes the pink ranger with my sword*

Is that all you got rangers.

*Continues to fight the rangers*

I done it....I cracked the code.

*The computer shuts down releasing the red rangers*

Falls to the ground of the cage laying there weak.

*Emma goes down but keeps the sword in her hand as she slowly gets to her feet and attacks him again as Emily, Mia, Kevin, Mike, Jay and others continue to fight*

*Drops to one knee*

Antonio get Lauren out of here and have Kevin and Mike get Troy than i'll help him to my zord.

*Emma keeps fighting as Emily and Mia continue to fight*

Let's get them out of here without getting caught.

Kevin leave Troy to me help get us past them than you all get going.

*Emma looks at him as she holds onto Troy*

Troy take it easy i'm gonna help you to my zord.

Becky G 03/27/15 10:08 AM

Re: Power Rangers Super Megaforce joined by Super Samurai (Team-up)
Power Rangers Megaforce and Samurai Team-up Chapter 20

Uses my hydro bow htting them with the arrows Antonio get Lauren and the morphers and go now.

I'll meet you guys on the ship.

*Emma helps Troy towards the back of the ship to her zord*

*Pushes Emma away*

I can fight...give me my morpher.

*Staggers to stand on my own*

*Emma almost falls*

Troy you can't you can barely stand that machine drained some of your power we need you and Lauren to rest til your strong again we need to get back to the command center.

*Helps Lauren to her feet*

Come on I got to get you out of here....

Argus: You 2 are not going anywhere....X Borgs attack.

*Summons X borgs to attack the rangers*

I'm glad you came for me i'm so tired i just want to sleep In a weak voice.

I got you rangers now....

*Snaps my fingers to summons X Borgs*

X Borgs attack the rangers....

*Emma pulls out her sword while holding Troy up she attacks the X-Borgs just as Emily, Mia, Kevin and Mike fight them*

Noah we need to hurry to bad Jake and Serena can't teleport you guys while I get to my zord that way we can blow this ship.

Tries standing on my feet gets dizzy falls to the floor hitting my head hard just laying there.

Oh no X borgs....Gia we need to get rid of these creeps and help the others.

*Defends off the X borgs*

Noah call Jake and see if he can teleport you guys so Lauren and Troy can rest at the command center.

Let's destroy them so we all can leave Starts slashing X borgs.

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