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Movie Ranger 12/16/16 11:53 AM

Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Power Rangers has always been considered a kids property. Even the movies in the past were kids movies that really didn't do very well. So is it possible for them to make the jump not just back to the big screen...But to a successful movie franchise thar carters to the masses.

KimandTommy 12/16/16 11:54 AM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I'm just worried they are going to make it grim and dark.

PRangerX 12/16/16 11:59 AM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I"ve always thought Power Rangers could make the successful leap to the big screen for a pg 13 audiences. In an age with the Avengers, Ninja Turtles, and Transformers, this should be do able.

I do have my fears right now though. I really like the trailer..But I am concerned that it by itself will not be enough to get adults to take the movie seriously. I am hoping for some sort of strong promotional push and a longer trailer.

Granted Transformers.had the same issues when its first movie came out. And it ended up doing tremendous. I remember having the same misgivings of people taking it as a serious franchise. And they have.

Inner Senshi 12/16/16 11:59 AM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Why does everything have to be grim and dark?

PRangerX 12/16/16 12:01 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I don't think we are saying we want it to be grim and dark. We are saying we want people to take it seriously as a movie franchise for adults and children. Something with an Avengers tone would be best.

MMPR Forever 12/16/16 12:02 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I don't care about any of that. I want a fun movie that is true to MMPR. And it doesn't look like we are getting that.

Usagi Reborn 12/16/16 04:42 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
The current preview clearly is trying to make people take Power Rangers seriously as a movie. franchise Notice how they don't even mention the word Power Rangers until that brief clip of Rita taunting Trini. It was clearly and attempt to pique people's interest and get them to see the movie. The question is ...Will it work?

Captain Mutiny 12/16/16 04:43 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Transformers's first teaser actually did the same thing.

Captain Codfish 12/16/16 10:18 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I like that they have made it darker. And I think it has a chance to be a success.

Rangerlord 12/16/16 10:19 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I'm really not excited about the movie at all. It should be in continuity. I hate reboots.

Lightspeed Solarzord 12/16/16 11:20 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I don't think so. The general public will never take it seriousky like we do. The franchise is better off focusing on television.

Mastadon Ranger 12/18/16 12:13 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I hope so. I want it to do good so there is more movies. At least we have one though.

Mitchell's Navy 12/18/16 12:14 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I think it will do modestly well at best. I think they are going to have a hard time getting non fans to see it. Hopefully it does well enough for a sequel.

Goldar's Revenge 12/18/16 12:16 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Theres some bad signs here. It amost feels like Lionsgate went into this with a vision but doesn't understand the brand. They may realize this already and have buyers remorse that they actually want this to fail.

Zord Commander 12/18/16 12:17 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
How can you say that? ™Why would they want to not make money? Why would they want to waste money instead?

Goldar's Revenge 12/18/16 12:18 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Studio Politics.... They started off wanting to succeed but key studio powers may have lost interest.

Captain Mutiny 12/18/16 12:19 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Its not really fair to say that until we actually see the movie and see how it does. Plus what they do with the franchise after it succeeds or fails.

Super Cena 12/18/16 12:21 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I wonder why Saban Brands just didn't produce the movie themselves. Even if they still had a distribution partner.

Everyone Loves Rocky 12/18/16 12:22 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
There is always another reboot if this thing fails.

PRangerX 12/18/16 12:25 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Reboots water down franchises. Its best to succeed in the beginning and keep things going from there. It would just create more market confusion. Also may take a long time if this thing fails.

I do think we shouldn't overrated either way. This thing could end up being a success just as much as it could fail. And I do believe ansuccesful film franchise is possible in the long term. I would rather it be done now though.

Lightspeed Omega 12/18/16 12:25 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Promotion needs to be better. They should be pushing this like a major event. That will lure in the casual audience they need to succeed.

Superstatler 12/18/16 12:28 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Its possible that they are aiming for this to be a moderate success that makes enough money for everyone to be happy. With room for potential sequels that can build to bigger and better things.

PRangerX 12/18/16 12:31 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Thats possible. The movie is coming out in March. That doesn't gaurentee success but it does avoid significant competition. I know sometimes being on the busy block can get you more consumers. Which is the principle that sees big movies released in the Summer or Christmas. But the risks are clearly bigger in those time periods than in March. Especially for an unproven movie franchise. You still have to get movie patrons out to see your film of course.

Power Sentai 12/18/16 12:36 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Saban Brands probably doesn't have the infrastructure to do this movie totally by itself. They just opened a film division that is focused on what destributing films produced by third parties. There far from ready to undertake a big production like Power Rangers themselves. Working with Lionsgate makes a lot of sense. And its not like Saban Brands doesn't at least have some voice here.

Lionsgate is a legit studio that has had a lot of success. Lets give them a chance. They are looking for new franchises since existing ones like Hunger Games have finished. They want Power Rangers to succeed so they can add it as one of their signature franchises going forward. It makes business sense.

Mesagog Lives 12/18/16 12:38 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
The scene with Rita and Trini looks pretty chilling from the preview. And tells you this isn't just a kids movie. Of course you also don't want to scare people off from bringing there kids. Since they are still marketing to kids for toys. And you need the family audience for the movie's success. In the same sense Avengers and Transformers still appeals to families.

Ransik Lives 12/18/16 02:57 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I think the preview does a good job of telling non fans this isn't the same old Power Rangers . Thats why they didn't mention PR until the Rita/Trini scene. It was supposed to be a surprise and a way of getting people interested enough before they could let Power Rangers turn them off.

KimandTommy 12/18/16 02:58 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
But most fans want it to be the same old Power Rangers. We don't care about what the non fans think.

MattEmily 12/18/16 03:01 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 61548)
Reboots water down franchises. Its best to succeed in the beginning and keep things going from there. It would just create more market confusion. Also may take a long time if this thing fails.

I do think we shouldn't overrated either way. This thing could end up being a success just as much as it could fail. And I do believe ansuccesful film franchise is possible in the long term. I would rather it be done now though.

I just don't like the idea of reboots - if they're going to do a reboot then don't use the same names.

PRangerX 12/18/16 03:03 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I don't have a problem with rebooting for a film franchise since its something different and its an attempt to carter to a pg 13 audience. Plus the show is still on going in the old continuity so we don't lose it .

MMPR Forever 12/18/16 03:04 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I'm with KimandTommy. I want it to be like MMPR. Matt is also right about reboots. I would accept a reboot tottally true to MMPR though.

MMPR Supreme 12/18/16 03:06 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I am fine with a reboot. But it needs to be in the true MMPR spirit. Not this dark and gritty movie.

Rangerlord 12/18/16 03:15 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I can't stress enough how much I hate Reboots. I am glad Matt agrees with me. The franchise is so rich they can find an original story to tell. So not slaving to old continuity isn't an excuse. Sincr the show can do that just fine.

Space Hero 12/18/16 03:26 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
MMPR sucked! If they insist on redoing it, remaking it into something more serious is the right way to go. I think they made the right decision by doing a darker version of MMPRmThe new Rita looks so much better. She may even top Astronema. And thats ll says a oot coming from me. Its too early to tell though.

MMPR Forever 12/18/16 03:32 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 61469)
I"ve always thought Power Rangers could make the successful leap to the big screen for a pg 13 audiences. In an age with the Avengers, Ninja Turtles, and Transformers, this should be do able.

I do have my fears right now though. I really like the trailer..But I am concerned that it by itself will not be enough to get adults to take the movie seriously. I am hoping for some sort of strong promotional push and a longer trailer.

Granted Transformers.had the same issues when its first movie came out. And it ended up doing tremendous. I remember having the same misgivings of people taking it as a serious franchise. And they have.

The Transformers movies are awful! I don't consider them to be true to G1 or any transformers series. They are like Beast Wars but I hated that too. Don't get me even started about Beast Machines. But suffice it to say Power Rangers copying the Transformers movies would be very bad.

KimandTommy 12/18/16 03:33 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
How can anyone say MMPR sucked? I like MMPR just the way it was. I don't need it presented in a new way.

Massive Ego 12/18/16 03:36 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?

Originally Posted by Rangerlord (Post 61499)
I'm really not excited about the movie at all. It should be in continuity. I hate reboots.

I'm more offended by what has been in continuity the last decade or so. So I am not minding a fresh start and fresh vision.

I don't think MMPR sucks. But I think the new movie does need to present it in a new serious way. All the attempts to recapture the fun of MMPR have failed miserably anyway. Ninja aSorm and Samurai were awful awful seasons!

Chaos Ranger 12/18/16 05:55 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
The movies and tv show are going to be separate. A reboot makes sense. Its not like they were going to reunite the survivng MMPR cast to do a movie.

PRangerX 12/19/16 04:53 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Its all hard to say. Since its a brand new thing. You can't even compare it to the old movies. Since the goal and target audience is a lot different. I have no problem with the Movies being there own continuity. It appeals more to the masses and we still have the show to give us okd continuity.

Vypra's Monster 12/19/16 04:53 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
Its all hard to say. Since its a brand new thing. You can't even compare it to the old movies. Since the goal and target audience is a lot different. I have no problem with the Movies being there own continuity. It appeals more to the masses and we still have the show to give us okd continuity.

Time Force Traitor 12/20/16 12:51 PM

Re: Can Power Rangers become a successful movie franchise?
I think it can. But I am worried that Lionsgate doesn't understand the franchise or how to adapt it to the masses . I understand the movie is going to be different and more mature. You still need to understand the franchise though.

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