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Zabitan 08/04/10 02:07 PM

Some Fanfic ideas
Hi there I noticed they aren't any fanfics on here but before I post one of my own I want to know what people think about them.

One loosely based on the video game that came out on the Genesis, and Game Gear where Grimlord sucked them into an arcade game and they had to fight all those old monsters.

Like maybe the arcade game could be one of Ziktor/Grimlord's creations like in the Genesis game or a regular one that skugs tamper with during a fight, and it sucks them in during or after the fight.

One based on a what if scenario where Grimlord captures Kaitlin, and Amy returns to replace her, and they rescue Kaitlin but Amy stays anyway and they just give her a duplicate virtualizer instead of the whole Kaitlin having a clone thing

One where Grimlord frees an ancient Japanese yokai to be the MOTD.

Having an explanation for the battle grid suits either as training suits or as prototypes of the regular suits.

Taking a page from Metalder and having Grimlord's army be split into Mutants, Robots, and humans who are either Evil VR Troopers or just have their own powersuits.

Making Oraclon an amalgam of various Demon Gods from the pre Metalder metal hero shows and have him occasionally summon/create Kaiju esque monsters that the troopers fight with the skybase, troopertron, and their own zord esque jet fighters.

Making Grimlord, Despera, Doom Master, and Knighttime all members of some what if race of creatures similar to humans that evolved from other animals that also found the secrets of VR.

Having Grimlord's minions appear in human form as Ziktor's employees I.E. Strickland being the human form of Col. Icebot.

Having the battle grid turn up more often but only in remakes of episodes where characters didn't appear in VR Trooper mode at all.

Having MOTDs turn up in the battle grid such as Cobrot using some gorgon power to turn Kaitlin into a statue and taking on her appearence as the Kaitlin being held hostage by Metalbot, and the Skugs in a remake of Kaitlin's Front Page.

I also recently thought of one where Grimlord causes the Troopers to relive the same day over, and over again.

I also just wanted to tell anyone viewing this thread that if they have any ideas for VR Troopers fanfics to feel free to post them here because I would like to see if anyone else has any ideas, and because that way maybe we can help each other out.

PRangerX 08/17/10 03:50 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
I think the obvious fic to do would be a VR Troopers/MMPR crossover. I think its actually been done on fanfiction.net.

Doing a fic to tie up the loose ends of the series would also work. Could be done like a third season or something.

A simple fic about characters reactions to things would work.

Perhaps you could do some fics on the orgin of Grimlord, Tyler Steele. Maybe do a Fic about Ryan growing up.

I am interested in you're idea about the VR Troopers reliving the same day over again.

Zabitan 08/17/10 05:06 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
Hmm that's all interesting.

I sometimes like to joke that there was this secret unaired PR/VRT crossover made during the third season of PR, and that my user name on Rangerboard is reference to the MOTD's Japanese name my only thing is I'm not sure what it should be about other than I want to use it as way to explain the battle grid suits the VR Troopers have by saying the box of Isis was really a piece of damaged Eltarian technology, and maybe have that as a plot point to connect the two shows together

I always thought it would be interesting to make a third, and maybe fourth season were they switch over to B-fighter.

Part of my problem is that I wish someone would have all the scripts or at least make transcripts from the actual show so I could get a good idea on how to write the episodes.

The idea about them repeating the same day was basically just some stand alone episode where Grimlord uses some whatever device on the troopers maybe while they are in the battle grid, and they don't notice anything until the next day and once they find out they fight one of Grimlord's mutants say Timebot I guess.

Same with the idea where they fight a Japnese yokai monster I just wanted to start small with my own stand alone episode, and I was trying to think of something that wasn't done on the show.

Some other ideas I have are when they switch over to season 2 Ryan gets a new battle grid suit that is based on his Shaider armor.

This may sound weird but before I actually saw the whole show I had this dream where there was an episode where the troopers were in battle grid mode in the real world like maybe something happened to their main armor so Professor Hart gave them the power to transform into battle grid mode in the real world.

Like maybe it could be a power up in season 2 to deal with the Ultra Skugs.

PRangerX 08/17/10 05:15 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
It would have been a cool team up, thats for sure.

You're B-figther ideas is a great idea for a fan fic. Especially since that would have been the source footage for VR Troopers Season 3. Until they decided to scap the show and do Beatleborgs instead. B-Fighter would have allowed them to have the team fight more together. It should have worked. I suppose you could just watch episodes of Beatleborgs and adapt them to VR Troopers season 3. Not that Beatleborgs as a B-Fighter hack by any means. I was actually going to start a thread about this. I'm glad you brought it up.

The Battle Grid Suits are interesting. As they we're never really explained. There is diffinitly a lot of fan fic material to work with there. It would have been a nice twist to see them fight in the suits, in the real world.

Having the Box of Isis be a relic of Eltar would have been a good idea to connect the shows. The Box of Isis itself is diffinitly something fic writers can explore.

Zabitan 08/18/10 06:04 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
I was going to post this in the thread about Kaitlin's clone but I realized this would be a more appropriate place for it.

I was trying to think of a way they could have introduced Amy as a fourth trooper, and I thought about Kaitlin goes Hollywood, and how that was right around the time Kimberly left on Power Rangers, and then I had a brain fart.

What if Kaitlin goes Hollywood was a multi parter where in the first part they get Amy to replace Kaitlin cause it looks like Kaitlin is leaving them but then in part two Kaitlin decides to stay, and Tyler makes Amy a new virtualizer.

PRangerX 08/18/10 06:35 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 49314)
I was going to post this in the thread about Kaitlin's clone but I realized this would be a more appropriate place for it.

I was trying to think of a way they could have introduced Amy as a fourth trooper, and I thought about Kaitlin goes Hollywood, and how that was right around the time Kimberly left on Power Rangers, and then I had a brain fart.

What if Kaitlin goes Hollywood was a multi parter where in the first part they get Amy to replace Kaitlin cause it looks like Kaitlin is leaving them but then in part two Kaitlin decides to stay, and Tyler makes Amy a new virtualizer.

That would work. Now that you have brought her up and I saw that guys video review, it actually has me intrigued by Amy coming back. In a perfect world it would have been as the Red Python. But obviously that wasn't possible with the footage. I suppose you could have given her a power from another Metal Hero series. But that would have made the editing even more crazy. I guess the best way to do it, would be to have her be in the role that Kaitlin's clone filled.

Zabitan 08/18/10 07:12 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
That's actually what I'm thinking of doing.

That way the footage would be the same, and Amy could have a bigger role on the show.

I'm mostly like the idea of how an episode like Dream Battle would turn out like Amy's dream is her confronting the Red Python using footage from Rise of The Red Python.

PRangerX 08/19/10 02:57 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
That would diffinitly work. And would make a lot of sense.

Zabitan 08/20/10 02:51 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas

Not mine but there is this guy who calls himself KND6 on Deviant Art who posted some ideas for how he would have done VR Troopers, and I gotta say some of his stuff sounds like stuff I want to do too such as making Amy a purple VR Trooper in my fanfics to tell her apart from Kaitlin, and adapting all the villains, and monsters from the Metal Hero shows.

The only thing I'm not too sure about is splitting the show into three seasons, and that's only because I wonder what you would do with the episodes that use monsters from two shows at a time but at the same time I can see why that could add more episodes.

I'm actually tempted to get an account on there just so I can talk to him, and ask him, but I would have to wait till I got my hands on a good graphics program or a scanner so I could make my own fan art, and post it on there if I was gonna go get an account on Deviant Art.

Another thing with regards to battle grid mode remember those battle grid VR Troopers action figures they made that came with carious weapons?

Well I want to have it in my story that whenever they transform into battle grid mode they can use some of the weapons from the action figures.

I.E. Ryan uses a laser blade on his hand in season 1, and in season 2 uses a laser katana, JB could use a bo staff, and Kaitlin can use a pair of daggers, not sure what Amy's weapon should be.

That, and say Kaitlin could also use her power transfer command ability while in battle grid mode.

PRangerX 08/21/10 07:02 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
The guy has interesting ideas for reboots. I'd be more interested in a season 3 fic series. Picking up the events of the show. Since we never got a real ending.

Zabitan 08/22/10 02:00 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
Good question if youre talking about this guy's fanfics I'd imagine that Season 1 is going to be like the actual Season 1 was, and Season 3 is going to be how Season 2 was since it just means that his Season 2 is based on Spielban.

If you're talking about real life same thing I said in the "What could have been?" thread: B-Fighter, the rest of the Uchuu Keiji shows, the Rescue Hero triliogy, Blue Swat, maybe even try all american footage.

PRangerX 08/22/10 04:20 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
VR Troopers Season 3 with Beetlefighters costumes would have been very cool. It would have eliminated the dual footage problem.

Zabitan 09/06/10 07:55 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
I was going to post this in my "What if VR Troopers had a movie?" thread but I decided to post it here since I'm thinking of doing a fanfic of it anyway.

What if they did a movie for VR Troopers like they did with Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.

I'm thinking it should be either the final episode or a transition to them having the B-Fighter costumes.

As for the plot I'm thinking something along the lines of the Troopers go on vacation somewhere, and there's some evil plot by Grimlord or maybe a different villain that the troopers have to stop.

I'm still trying to think out all the details though.

PRangerX 09/07/10 03:13 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
Realistically, any movie made now would probably be a reboot movie. Since its been years and the shows never really been in the public's mind for a long time.

Zabitan 09/07/10 03:59 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
I just mean what if they made a movie back when the show was around like in the summer of 96 for example what would be a good story for it.

For now I'm thinking maybe the Troopers go to Japan either for a vacation or because Kaitlin is doing a story, and while they're there Grimlord releases this ancient Japanese demon lord who takes over the Virtual Army, and the Troopers have to stop him.

Zabitan 09/12/10 07:52 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
I just wanted to make this bump to tell anyone viewing this thread that if they have any ideas for VR Troopers fanfics to feel free to post them here because I would like to see if anyone else has any ideas, and because that way maybe we can help eachother out.

PRangerX 09/13/10 05:09 AM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
If it happened in 96 and was based on the old series? Perhaps, do a movie to give the show a proper ending. Where Grimlord is finally defeated. With Tyler and Ryan finally able to spend time with each other in peace.

Zabitan 09/13/10 12:16 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
That's sounds like a good idea maybe I should try it.

Another thing one of the reasons I brought up that KND6 guy who wanted to give each Metal Hero show it's own season is because like I said earlier I wanted to have Battle Grid mode be used more often, and have it be upgraded so that the Troopers can transform into Battle Grid mode in the real world to fight the Ultra Skugs.

Well one of the things I wanted to do was say in Fashion Victims have it where the Skugs become Ultra Skugs so JB, and Kaitlin transform into Battle Grid mode but then Silkoid cocoons them, and later Ryan, and Amy try to find out what happened but then get ambushed by Ultra Skugs so they transform into Battle Grid mode but Amy gets cocooned but Ryan is able to transform into his full VR Trooper form.

And I also thought about how if you started with Metalder then went to Spielban, and finally Shaider there's more of an emphasis on other dimensions which made me think of that episode where they transformed into Battle Grid mode when they got sent to Knighttime's universe, and I saw the episode where the footage for Knighttime came from, and the scene they used was pretty similar to what happened in the VR Troopers scene aside from the Battle Grid suits in VRT version, and I thought they were some similarities between the Battle Grid in VR Troopers, and the Strange Dimension in Metal Hero.

So I wanted to adapt that in VR Troopers where they can transform into Battle Grid mode, everytime they enter other virtual dimensions.

Zabitan 12/04/10 02:17 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
I decided to post something non VR Troopers related but since I don't have a full story yet I'd just post the synopsis.

Yami Senshi Yokaioh

"Plot: Hoping to improve it's image the O'Junkies corporation has decided to host it's next live stage show for it's popular children show Ninja Troopers in the small town of Normalton Colorado. Jack Ferguson a commercial, and PSA writer for O'Junkies however wanting to do bigger things has been experimenting with both magic, and technology believing that not only do creatures like fairies, and goblins exist in another dimension but that through human technology to give them physical bodies in our world.

Unfortunately the experiment backfires causing a whole in the time, and space continuum killing Ferguson, and unleashing four of the most horrifying monsters in existence. Makaimaoh a demon made of pure evil magic, Uchuumaoh an evil amoeba like alien overlord, Mechamaoh a demonic artificial intelligence given flesh by nanites.

Needing to survive on our world they take over Ferguson's body which as also been infected with DNA from various animals creating a forth monster called Juumaoh a chimera like mutant with the powers of Earth's deadliest animals collectively calling themselves Daimon Ferguson, and his monster personalities begin a campaign to kill, and transform all life into undead mutants called Phantomoids starting with Normalton.

Meanwhile O'Junkies decides to have auditions for their stage show at the local elementary schools, and a young girl name Mary Donnler is one of the children picked. Daimon has Mary's slacker older brother Robert, and several other people killed so they can be turned into phantomoid slave so he can target the auditions.

However not only does Robert's human side preventing him from carrying out the attack but his phantomoid side not wanting to take orders from Daimon evolves past a point where Daimon let's him be killed by anti-phantomoid forces. However he arrives in Jigoku the land of the dead ruled by the goddess of death herself Izanami who reveals that Ferguson/Daimon is under the control of the ancient interdimensional evil Amatsu Mikaboshi which seeks to reduce the universe back to singularity.

Izanami allows Robert to come back to life provided he use his Phantomoid powers to stop Daimon, and his minions. However in addition to Daimon, and his forces Robert must also deal with those who mistake his attempts to save Normalton for serial killings.

He must become a demon of justice, a heroic grim reaper, he must become Yami Senshi Yokaioh."


Robert Donnler/Yami Senshi Yokaioh: A slacker nerd obsessed with tv, video games, and comics. While going to pick up his little sister Mary from the auditions for the O'junkies stage show he was killed by Daimon's phantomoid minions so that he himself could be turned into a phantomoid, however his own unwillingness to kill innocent people, and his phanotmoid side's pride he considered his mission dishonorable, and was killed.

When he went to the land of the dead the goddess Izanami gave him the chance to return to earth to destroy Daimon, and his phantomoids in return he'll be returned to a normal human, or move on to his next existence.

Robert can be very mischievous often coming up with wild schemes to do or get what he wants that end up having consequences that neither he nor anyone else planned for but at the same time he tries to do the right thing.

Powers: Robert has a sword called Yokai Ken that can be charged with demonic energy.

He also has a bio mechanical demon motor cycle called the Kitsune that can ride at speed in excess of 120 miles, sprout laser shooting gatling gun, and wings for flight.

Robert has a lot of powers associated with ghost like invisibility intangibility His finisher is the magic psychic death ray where he fires pure concentrated demonic energy in a beam from his eyes turning every molecule in his target's body into unstable atomic matter causing them to explode.

Ichiro Sasaki/ Lord Shinigami: A samurai from the Sengoku period who served under Oda Nobunaga, he sold his soul to Izanami to live forever but at the cost of becoming an undead creature called a Yurei.

He now serves as Robert's mentor showing him the ropes of being a shinigami, and fighting the phantomoids.

His personality is very honor driven, and he still tries to live up to the samurai code even in modern times when he works as a janitor or a narrator on some Saturday morning kid show.

His personality often clashes with Roberts, but at the end of the day they have a mutual understanding that allows them both to fgrow.

Powers. He as a lot of the same powers as Robert only his are stronger, and instead of a motorcycle he rides around on a Kirin.

Samantha Michaels/Yami Hime: Samantha was a nerdy girl who wanted to be pretty, and popular till someone offered to grant her wish, unfortunately that person was a phanotmoid, and they turned her into one.

At first she liked the power but then it started corrupting her, and she went psychotic, now she tries to user her phantomoid powers for good while trying to get rid of her own phantomoid side.

As a human she can be nice, and innocent, but can get very angry with pushed too far, her phantomoid side on the other hand is manipulative, and wouldn't think twice about killing you if she thought she had to.

Powers: Being able to regenerate from even the smallest cell, acid venom saliva, able to grow swords from her forearms, being able to shoot laser beams.

Captain Percival Grant/ Captain Aka Kabuto: Captain Percival is a member of a top secret international law enforcement agency that investigates extra-terrestrial phenomena. While investigating attacks by parasitic body snatching alien insects called Insectoids he was killed, and cocooned so that his body would be used to create an insectoid slave to carry out their plans, but after being killed as an insectoid he mysteriously came back to life but with his human soul returned.

He now continues to investigate attacks by the Insectoids using his own insectoid powers to stop them.

Powers: Can generate electrical energy, and focus it through pincers in his arms, and legs, and carries two laser pistols that fire electric energy.

Lt Howard McMullen/Uchuujin: Howard was low level fighter pilot for another organization that investigates paranormal phenomena when he was investigating a strange glowing light when his jet crashed that light revealed itself as an alien from the planet ZX12-1000 that had come to Earth to deal with the phantomoid menace but due to Earth's atmosphere can't survive more than five minutes.

So the alien fused with Howard so that he can use it's powers to fight pjantomoids, and giant creatures

In his human form Howard can seem bumbling, and incompetent but is always able to save the day as Uchuujin.

Professor Chronos: An alien from another planet who resembles an elderly British man, he travels around in a space ship called Time And Space Cruise that can transform into any kind building in order to blend into it's environment.

He comes to Earth to not only investigate the phantomoid menace but also to escape the destruction of his home planet at the hands of creatures called the Cydrack.

Unlike the other heroes he doesn't engage in direct conflict, and instead uses his superior intellect to figure his way out of trouble.

Powers: Advanced intellect that allows him to figure his way out of any situation, a regeneration factor that allows him to survive death by rearranging his molecular structure allowing him to take on different appearances.


Jack Ferguson: A public service announcement, and commercial writer for the O'Junkies corporation. Bored, and underpaid with his job he dreamed of finding a way to access the world of fairies, and goblins so that he could bring them to our world.

However his experiments to do so went horribly awry resulting in not only him becoming possessed by not four demonic personalities but giving unleashing other demonic creatures on Earth, and giving him the ability to turn any life form into phantomoids.

Jack himself is not intentionally evil, in fact he can actually be a nice guy most of the time but his various phantomoid personalities constantly encourage him to act on his darkest impulses to further their own goals.

Makaimao: A Demon sorcerer made of pure evil magic. He is the most spiritual of Jack's personalities having been a demon, angel, or spirit for all the universes religions until his own desire to become the one god was revealed, and he was banished.

He can summon, and create all kinds of curses and spells, and turn anything into a supernatural monster.

Uchuumaoh: Uchuumaoh is a bit of a contradiction as he is mentally very advanced having evolved over millions of years, and yet has a simple amoeba like genetic structure that allows him to to evolve to anything thrown at him.

In addition he knows about all the life forms in the universe, and can call them to invade earth, he can consume the genetic material of any organism, and gain it's abilities.

Mechamaoh: An evil artificial intelligence made of nanites, and is the most scientifically minded of Jack's phantomoid forms.

His big thing is technology as he seeks to become the most advanced technology in the universe, he can absorb any technology, and in turn transform any technology into one of his killer robots.

Jumaoh: a chimera like creature made of the DNA of carious animals i.e. a bat's ears, bears head with a lion's mane, and a rhino's horn, wings from bat's, birds, and insects, tentacles, gills, etc.

He is the only one of Jack's personalities that was not a pre existing creature, and is also the strongest, and least intelligent of them.

He can also turn humans into animal hybrids, and animals into giant creatures.

Phantomoids: Demonic undead mutants created by Daimon they usually appear in four types (mutant, robot, alien, demon) they typically start off as humans, and are converted into phantomoids by one of Jack's own phantomoid forms, though plants, animals, machines, anything can become a phantomoid

mbozzo 01/16/11 10:09 PM

I was thinking about a story in which an American version of Kamen Rider Decade visit the mirror world of the VR Troopers to remove a power draining pink crystal shard from their world. Because time has passed since the last episode, Grimlord may no longer in charge. A new master villain may have taken his place. Also by now, the VR Troopers of the present may not be the same people from the aired episodes, and may be wearing the armors from Toei's other metal heroes show. What do you think about that? :cool:

Zabitan 01/16/11 10:14 PM

Sounds cool to me I would like to see that.

You know how a lot of folks do "this is how I would have done (insert season here)" fics well I'm thinking of doing something like that but for VR Troopers which is for the most part story wise the same as the VR Troopers we did get but with 3 maybe 4 seasons, and with Juspion, Gavan, and Sharivan being adapted as well.

For Gavan, and Sharivan, well I read Zane's Virtual Homecoming fic where Tommy finds out he's Ryan's long lost brother, and he becomes a VR Trooper as well

And I wanted to do something similar where Tommy, and David both find out they're Ryan's long lost brothers, and Tommy becomes Gavan, and David becomes Sharivan.

But I had trouble figuring out how that would fit into the timeline since Tommy didn't leave until halfway into Turbo, and VR Troopers ended right around when Zeo came out.

But then I thought maybe I could make them new character who are similar to Tommy, and David so that's what I went with.

As for Juspion I was having a hard time figuring out who I thought he should be but then PRangerX had this thread where he mentioned that when he saw The Virtual Spy he thought that Jeremy would turn out to be a real person, and later join the Troopers.

And the weird thing is that actually sounded good since I already wanted to have Amy from Rise of The Red Python be Helen Lady, and just give her purple armor instead of Kaitlin having a clone so I thought why not do the same with Jeremy.

And my solution was simply to save The Virtual Spy for a later season, and take any parts from Juspion that have Mad Gallant but not Juspion, and have it where Jeremy starts out as an evil VR Trooper called the Dark Knight who's Mad Gallant.

But Jeremy is later cured, and becomes Juspion but Grimlord still has some of Jeremy's DNA, and uses it to create a new Dark Knight for the parts where Juspion fights Mad Gallant, and do the same thing with Amy, and The Red Python for when Amy becomes Helen Lady.

Now here's what I'm trying to think out At first I wanted to do it like the VR Troopers we did get for the first 2 seasons, and then bring in Juspion, Gavan, and Sharivan all at once.

But then I thought maybe I should have it where VR Troopers only used one monster an episode but still used both Metalder, and Spielban at the same time, and season 1 ends with Defending Dark Heart.

And season 2 being the episodes after it but before Quest for Power with Rise of The Red Python as season long arc, and bring in Juspion,

And then have Season 3 be like the season 2 we did get with Ryan as Shaider but also have Gavan, and Sharivan.

So what I'm trying to figure out is how should I make that all work since this may sound weird but I don't want to make it too long since I want to have it where if I decide to do PR, and Saban's other superhero shows I can have not just the Zordon era but all of Saban's superhero shows end around or before Coundown to Destruction

Zabitan 07/28/13 02:06 AM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
So I have this weird idea.

Remember how Power Rangers sometimes had those episodes where the monster would turn them into some random object like Pachinko Balls or Footballs?

Well I want to write an episode where a similar thing happens in VR Troopers.

Like what happens is that something like Dream Battle happens where the Troopers transform into Battle Grid Troopers but go to a different dimension so that the MOTD can put a spell on them, and Ryan manages to get out of the way in time but Kaitlin, and JB don't.

My only thing is I can't think of what monster I should use, and what the monster should turn them into.

Zabitan 11/27/18 07:18 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
Okay I know this a bump but I've been mulling over this for a while especially since it involves concepts I though of earlier.

So one idea I had was to split the Battle Grid mode concept in half.

I would keep the suits but they would be called Hyper Tech mode, and the Troopers would transform into them either in the real world or virtual reality, and they would be used to fight enhanced Skugs like the mutant Skugs, and later the ultra Skugs as well as the vixens.

As for the Battle Grid itself as a place/set I would have merged it with the Indigo sector, and the Fractal zone so that the Troopers could wear their full armor in there.

MattEmily 03/06/19 01:50 PM

Re: Some Fanfic ideas
They probably wanted to keep it separate since I think the other zones were from sourced footage

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