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-   -   Should Mack have become human ? (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=8945)

Brody Sarah 06/07/20 04:53 PM

Should Mack have become human ?
What was the whole point of saying that being a robot was nothing to be ashamed of, only to have him become human?

Massive Ego 06/07/20 04:54 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Because the Overdrive writing was so bad, it made no sense.

Inner Senshi 06/07/20 04:55 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
There didn't need to be a point. SInce its just a kids show. It just was the plot.

Sentai Master 06/07/20 05:01 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I think it was fine. He earned the right to be human when he sacrificed himself to defeat Flurious.

Master of the Grid 06/07/20 05:02 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Mack should have remained a robot.

Evil Astronema 06/07/20 05:05 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
The whole sacrifice would have meant more if Mack remained dead. It would have made things tragic. And would have made the episode better written overall.

Ranger Black 06/07/20 05:08 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I agree, its the kind of writing PR needs. It sucks they usually give themselves cop outs when they have a chance for well written events.

Inner Senshi 06/07/20 05:11 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Noi way, people shouldn't die in a kids show. If anything all the bad guys should be redeemed and everyone should end up happier ever after...

Ranger Black 06/07/20 05:12 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
But that gets boring and is a cop out. I am not saying everything has to be dark and tragic. But everything shouldn't be perfect either. There is a way to pull it off even in a kids show.

No Green Spandex 06/07/20 05:13 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Its funny how its okay for monsters to die but not humans, network execs freak out lol.

Brody Sarah 06/07/20 05:14 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I wouldn't say Mack should have remained dead. That would have contradicted the idea that he wasn't expendable. It would be kind of bad to have his death wish subplot end like that. Even if thats not why he sacrificed himself. I just think having him restored as a robot would have made a lot more sense.

Superstatler 06/07/20 05:15 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
They were trying too hard for a Pinocchio motif.

Nasty Nick 06/11/20 11:16 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
No it completely ruined his whole storyline.

Overdrive Ranger 06/11/20 11:17 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I thought it was perfect. It showed he was a real person all along. Whether he was a robot or a human. That was the whole point. He had the heart to save the Jewels the whole time.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed 06/13/20 08:16 AM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Mack was always "human" on the inside. That was the point. He was more then a machine. If not the jewels wouldn't have been able to turn him into an organic living thing.

King Ranger 06/16/20 03:29 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
He probably should have stayed a robot and learned to be happy with that.

Zordon's Heroes 06/22/20 08:45 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Its not like he asked to be human. The jewels just did it as a side effect of bringing him back.

Bones0123 06/24/20 09:05 AM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
No, in invalidated the whole arch about Mack learning that it was okay to be a Robot. Plus that he did have value as a living thing. It was just a cheap happy ending. Mack should have turned down being a human to come back as a Robot. .

Original Power Rangers 06/25/20 07:23 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I would have liked to have seen him a robot too.

Power Rangers Forever 06/26/20 05:26 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I liked the plot. Better then but making him a carbon copy of his sentai counterpart.

Roxy's Rebellion 06/26/20 05:42 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Yes, he needed to become human so he could age and not be stuck as a 20 year old.

Ranger Legacy 06/26/20 08:35 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
i think they kept him around too long. The character got old after the first couple of seasons. The Rangers didn't need a mentor by that point. Of course Dimitria was a thousand times more annoying.

No Green Spandex 06/26/20 08:36 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Dimitria was just something that didn't work. Someone probably thought it was a good idea at the time.

Massive Ego 06/26/20 08:38 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I don't know where they got the idea to replace Alpha 5 with the bronx accented Alpha. He was way too obnoxious. They should have just kept Alpha 5.

Astro Delta 06/26/20 08:40 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
At least they had the sense to change up the voice and personality in PRIS.

Bandora's Ghost 06/28/20 05:58 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I have no problem with him being human. Its what he wanted and Mack was alive to whole time anyway. No matter if he was a robot or human at the end.

Super Zeo Ranger 06/30/20 07:57 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
It would have been kind of weird if they just brought him back to life as a robot. Why bother having him be destroyed? The only way Mack doesn't become human is keeping him dead. Which wasn't going to happen.

Samurai Mentor 06/30/20 08:12 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
Mack was kind of annoying to me. But I think he should have turned human. Really the whole robot plot was a waste.

No Green Spandex 06/30/20 08:13 PM

Re: Should Mack have become human ?
I don't know the robot plot was the best overplot that they had by that point. The jewels arch was pretty random and convenient.

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