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Absolutely Melody 08/04/20 06:27 PM

Cassie or Karone
We know the original plan was Cassie to replace Kendrix. Who would you have rather had? My answer is obviously Karone.

Cassie Turbo 08/04/20 06:28 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I wanted to see Cassie come back. It would have been a cook carry over for Power Of Pink. I don't hate Karonex just wluld have fathered Cassie..

KimandTommy 08/04/20 06:29 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Cassie all the way! Karone was too evil to be a Ranger.

PRangerX 08/04/20 06:55 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I think it made more sense to go with Karone honestly. There was more to be done with that character. We already saw Cassie as a Power Ranger. Having Karone get to be a Ranger and have her redemption was the better story. Its just a shame some of her episodes were intended for Cassie, lime the one with Baxter. Sometimes her personality didn't match. But I am still really glad she came back. It does suck it took Valerie getting sick for any of this to happen.

Kendrix Leo 08/04/20 06:57 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
At least Valerie's story had a happy ending.

PRangerX 08/04/20 07:02 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Definitely. I remember being shocked when I found out that was the reason why she got written out of Galaxy. Since I had no regular internet access at the time.

Astronema 08/04/20 07:03 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
It made much more sense for Karone to be the one to replace Kendrix.

Ultra Mega 08/04/20 07:05 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Facing The Past was her only good episode though. Everything else seemed out of character or a let down. Well okay, her debut episode was good to. So that's two...I would have chose Karone though. Too bad they didn't write her character better.

Goldar's Revenge 08/04/20 07:07 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
It all goes back to the last minute nature of her addition and the fact some of the scripts used were written with Cassie in mind..

Superstatler 08/04/20 07:07 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Plus there wasn't a lot of time left in the series and it couldn't become the Karone show.

Gosei Gold 08/04/20 07:09 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Its likely Cassie would have got the shaft too. Giving their lack of time.

Diabolico Rising 08/16/20 07:05 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Agreed, Cassie alresdy had her time. We never saw Karone as a Rangsr so she made more sense.

Hailey Hartford 09/18/20 01:26 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I think the real reason they went with Karone is she needed her own redemption focus and this gave the perfect opportunity for it. Honestly I would have preferred Cassie but I can understand why Karone got it.

Goldar's Revenge 09/19/20 08:17 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Cassie was the original choice. They just couldn't come to terms with Patricia to bring her back for the rest of the season. It did work out storywise because of the redemption story.

Captain Mutiny 09/19/20 08:18 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Only problem was we really got one episode about that and Karone kind of acted like Cassie most of the time. Or worse wasn't really there.

Goldar's Revenge 09/19/20 08:19 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
That was a product of some of the scripts being written with Cassie in mind and the last minute nature of the change. But the redemption theory is a good reason to have brought Karone back.

Astro Power 09/19/20 08:21 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I have nothing against Patricia or Cassie really...But I do feel the former Turbo/Space Pink was overrated at the time. I don't think she needed to return. There was more of a reason for Karone to come back.

Nasty Nick 09/19/20 08:39 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
It was last minute there was only so much they could do with Karone. We are lucky we got Facing The Past. Really she only acted like Cassie in that episode where she is trying to help Damon become the master engineer.

Astronema 09/19/20 08:40 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Not to minimize Valerie but it would have been nice to have a whole season Karone.

No Green Spandex 09/19/20 08:41 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
We could have had both, there are other Ranger colors.

Lord Leo 09/19/20 08:42 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Karone as Red Ranger would have saved us from Lord Leo. And been more interesting.

Sentai Master 09/19/20 08:43 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
You do realize they likely would have used the same Sentai Footage and Karone would have "hogged the spotlight "?

No Green Spandex 09/19/20 08:43 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Sentai Snob alert lol

Sentai Master 09/19/20 08:44 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Nope. never was a part or that group ( are they even around anymore?). I love both PR and Sentai as they are. Was just pointing out that they would have used the same footage most likely.

No Green Spandex 09/19/20 08:45 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Oh my my bad. I looked at your username too quick. I was just being funny anyway.

Astronema 09/19/20 08:46 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Karone versus Trakeena in the end would have been cool.

Miki1988 09/19/20 08:50 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I just thought of something. What if they would replace Mike with Karone? It could have worked well for Karone's "learning to be good" storyline.

But than again - the issue would be who would be the new Pink Ranger. So I think that bringing Karone instead of Cassie as Galaxy Pink was the correct choice. It kind of sucks that they went back to Kendrix as Galaxy Pink for the LG/LR team-up. Karone would have worked better as she would have some simillarties with Ryan.

PRangerX 09/19/20 12:09 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
No one could have predicted Valerie's illness. They just would have had to find someone else or tried harder to get Patrica back on board.

They likely brought Vernon back for the team up out of respect for the fact she was out sick. Or they didn't want to piss of the union. She came back in the finale due to union rules.

Even if Karone was in the team up she likely wouldn't have had many lines. The Galaxy Rangers were mainly treated like extras. Also Ryan wasn't in the team up. But I agree it would have been interesting to see those two together.

Ranger Eagle 09/19/20 12:15 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Perhaps Karone could have been Red and Andros could have "died" and came backb as Megna Defender.

Absolutely Melody 09/19/20 12:16 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I was disappointed there was no mention of Karone at all in Lightspeed. Thats why I was glad when she got to appear in Megaforce.

Miki1988 09/21/20 12:06 PM

Re: Cassie or Karone
Me too. Besides, it suits her.

PRangerX 09/26/20 08:13 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
In fairness,the Galaxy Rangers barely got to do anything in the Lightspeed Team Up. They were kind of just there smiling in the background in most of the unmorpned scenes. So.its not surprising there was no mention of Karone.

Goldar's Revenge 09/26/20 08:14 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
If she wasn't in the episode there really shouldn't have been. Since it would have distracted from the main plot. Especially since they barely had time to give anything noteworthy to the Galaxy Rangers that did show up.

Usagi Reborn 09/26/20 08:16 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
I'm surprised they even bothered doing a team up since it was so rushed and forgettable.

Goldar's Revenge 09/26/20 08:18 AM

Re: Cassie or Karone
They did it as a tie in for Macdonalds. Who sold vhs of the team up under the Triple Force Title.

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