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MattEmily 01/29/17 10:39 PM

Ask An Admin
I saw this idea on facebook and I thought it'd be an interesting idea to go with for not just the 2 Admins here but also for the various Mods that are still here but this thread is just for questions for me and PRangerX.

The idea is you can ask us any questions as long as they are not too personal and as long as they are not inappropriate.

I'll start things off. PRangerX out of the various foot soldiers we've had on the show what were your favorites? This counts only the ones that were seen in the series so the MMPR Movie ones will not count however ones like the Putrid Pods and Craterites will count in the tally if they're in your list.

PRangerX 01/29/17 11:42 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
Regular Putties, Z Putties, Quantrons, and Paranatrons. We seemed to get good unmorphed battles with these.

MattEmily 01/30/17 03:40 PM

Re: Ask An Admin

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 63744)
Regular Putties, Z Putties, Quantrons, and Paranatrons. We seemed to get good unmorphed battles with these.

that we did. How about your favorite Megazords? This will count those that have Battle and Warrior Modes so the Tigerzord for example would count as would the Megadragonzord but individual zords like the Dragonzord, the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, the Red Battlezord and the Warrior Wheel would not count.

PRangerX 01/30/17 05:12 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
I tend to like the older Megazords.I like the original and the Thunder Megazord. I also like Time Force Mode Red.

MattEmily 01/30/17 09:29 PM

Re: Ask An Admin

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 63764)
I tend to like the older Megazords.I like the original and the Thunder Megazord. I also like Time Force Mode Red.

how about you start asking me questions so that this isn't just an "Ask PRangerX" thread?

Here's another question for you. Out of the original villains this counts the human ones as well which were your favorites? and by original I don't mean the MMPR ones I mean any of the villains that are exclusive to Power Rangers meaning as an example ones like Zedd, Divatox, Maligore, Dark Specter and Astronema just to name a few. Vypra, Nadira, Toxica, Kapri and Marah will not count in this since they're not original villains. Mora technically would count but Morgana herself wouldn't. Camille also wouldn't count.

PRangerX 11/09/17 09:43 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
I know I am late but why not...

Astronema has always been my favorite. She felt like the first real menacing villain and had depth to her character. Zedd doesn't count because he became more a comedic villain in short order. I really loved her storyline with Andros and became invested in the character. I also consider Space my favorite along with Time Force, both followed by Galaxy. So thats another good reason. I didn't like how she took on some of Cassie's characteristics in Galaxy. But we now that's because some of her scripts were orofinaly written for the former Pink Ranger.

PRangerX 11/09/17 09:43 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
Whonis your favorite original villian?

MattEmily 11/12/17 11:22 AM

Re: Ask An Admin
I don't have a single favorite original villain but some of them would include as follows:

Lord Zedd - I thought he was evil and rather threatening pre-married
Dark Specter - mostly because of his design since it was like a volcano theme but also because of him being Giant-only
Trakeena - because of her growth throughout the season since she wanted to take part but her Dad wouldn't allow her but it was because she ran away that forced her to actually take the lead
Ransik - because he was a terrorist and I like the whole thing with how the Mut-Orgs were the ones who gave him the ability to summon what basically amounts to a Bone Sword
Master Org - technically he wasn't original since the Org Master did kinda exist in Gaoranger but not as an actual character but Wild Force decided to make a character out of it and I thought his story was awesome
Mesogog - I thought the whole thing with him was awesome but a bit confusing at times. I also thought it was cool how he didn't do the traditional evil laugh and instead hiss.
Venjix - need I say more?

MattEmily 11/12/17 11:22 AM

Re: Ask An Admin
I don't have a single favorite original villain but some of them would include as follows:

Lord Zedd - I thought he was evil and rather threatening pre-married
Dark Specter - mostly because of his design since it was like a volcano theme but also because of him being Giant-only
Trakeena - because of her growth throughout the season since she wanted to take part but her Dad wouldn't allow her but it was because she ran away that forced her to actually take the lead
Ransik - because he was a terrorist and I like the whole thing with how the Mut-Orgs were the ones who gave him the ability to summon what basically amounts to a Bone Sword
Master Org - technically he wasn't original since the Org Master did kinda exist in Gaoranger but not as an actual character but Wild Force decided to make a character out of it and I thought his story was awesome
Mesogog - I thought the whole thing with him was awesome but a bit confusing at times. I also thought it was cool how he didn't do the traditional evil laugh and instead hiss.
Venjix - need I say more?

MattEmily 11/12/17 01:40 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
If you had any creative input to do a Forever Red or Once a Ranger type of episode which would you choose and why? Also if you elect to do the latter who would be the chosen Rangers?

PRangerX 11/12/17 05:30 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
I would probably do an All Star team type team up since there have been more then ten seasons since FR one and I want something that represents multiple Rangers. I would probably do three neo saban era Ranges since Saban Entertainment and Disney both had their teams represented. "Legendary Battle" was for everyone.

I would use Jayden since he is the strongest and most heroic Red in my eyes. In regards to the Neo Saban Era. I would choose Gia with her Yellow Super Megaforce Powers. Since she was a very interesting character herself. I would choose Shelby for the Pink Ranger since she had an entertaining attitude and was talented. Zack would come back as my Black Ranger since he was a classic character that never had the chance to return. Tori would come back as the Blue Ranger. She was another strong female character .

I guess I might as well add a Sixth Ranger as a wild card. I would choose Ryan as Titanium Ranger. Since we never got enough of him.

My question was inspired by yours but a bit different. How would you remake "Once A Ranger"?

MattEmily 11/25/17 03:13 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
that's a good question well I actually didn't have many faults with Once a Ranger but I wouldn't have had the Overdrive just quit. They could've assisted the veterans like helping them out with piloting their zords since it'd be a new experience for Xander for 1 thing since he had never piloted a zord before. I also wouldn't have brought in Alpha 6 to fix the grid since I thought that was a disservice to the franchise using a previous character but cheapening out on the voice I mean if you're not going to pay to get the true voice actor back for a 1-time role then you shouldn't bother with the effort however I would've introduced a new Alpha (let's call it 8 or 9) who would've repaired the grid.

My next idea is while their selections were mostly perfect (and while Tori and Kira are some of my favorites from the Disney-era) I would've kept the Retro team in like with the Overdrive color scheme so we would've had Silver, Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow and Red for the Retro team.

Now for Silver I would go with Zhane.
Black I was fine with Adam leading the charge.
Pink I probably would go with either Kimberly, Cassie, Kendrix or Karone.
Blue can't really think of anyone better other than Tori sure I would probably say Billy if I didn't already choose Adam to represent MMPR but Cestro could be an option.
Yellow I'd say Kira but if not her then either Maya or Kelsey
and for Red I would probably go with Jack or Sky
and then to fight alongside Sentinel Knight once Mack restores him to physical form I would also add in Auric.

Thrax wouldn't have been my character but the same general idea would've been there. Let's call him Zrax and while he would be related to Rita and Zedd they wouldn't be the Parents of him but rather the Grandparents. Rita once gave birth to a daughter who she named Scrax who she named after her feared General but later on down the road Scrax gave birth to a baby boy named Zrax. Now only Rita was aware of this side of the family but due to the evil she had in her heart she completely forgot about that side of the family who was out-of-reach of the Z-Wave and therefore remained evil. They heard the story that Zordon sacrificed himself to purify Rita and Zedd of their evil energies.

The rest of the story would pretty much play out exactly the same but adding in extra scenes so that all Rangers who had them could show off all of their ground powers.

MattEmily 11/25/17 05:49 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
What's your theory on the identity of the mysterious Phantom?

PRangerX 11/29/17 05:56 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
I tend to think he was just a Power Ranger with a similar mission to Gold Ranger, who isn't anyone we know.

Do you think Jen and Wes should have stayed in the same time period?

MattEmily 11/29/17 06:14 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
while I would've been all for the happy ending of them staying together sadly Time Force remaining in the past would've drastically altered the future even perhaps by erasing those we knew from the timeline so no I don't think they should've remained in the same time period.

Since you mentioned during a private chat yesterday that you go bowling what's the general score that you usually get? and have you ever bowled a turkey?

PRangerX 11/29/17 07:02 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
I was bowling candle pin where my average is a 84. No turkeys or doubles for me here

In ten pin bowling I have gotten a five bagger twice and have a 120 average.

PRangerX 11/29/17 07:04 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
What is your favorite show besides pr?

MattEmily 11/29/17 07:55 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
interesting with candlepin so it's not tenpin but not quite since you get 3 chances per frame and the pins are more reduced in size to make them tougher to knock down and they're not cleared away between your turns like with tenpin bowling and the balls appear to be smaller and have no holes? does that sound accurate?

hmm my favorite overall show would've been Smallville but if you mean for a currently active show then it would have to be Pokemon.

If you've seen the new Digimon tri what are your thoughts on the cast changes?

PRangerX 11/30/17 08:29 AM

Re: Ask An Admin
Thats is accurate abouts candlepin. Its much have harder to knock down pins so scores are lower.

I haven't seen Tri actually.

Do you think they were right to end Smallville without a full look as Clark as Superman?

MattEmily 11/30/17 10:25 AM

Re: Ask An Admin
No I don't since the show should've ended with a look of Clark in his Superman costume however how they did it on the show wasn't good at all. The beginning parts of how he was granted the costume was mostly fine but the actual "Superman scenes" were not fine.

What other shows do you watch?

PRangerX 11/30/17 11:50 AM

Re: Ask An Admin
Sailor Moon, Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Supermatural, and Star Trek Discovery. Although i am behind on the last two. Classic Shows for me are Star Trek, Sienfield, Charmed, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel , Sliders, and Babylon 5.

What is your favorite movie ( Non PR)?

MattEmily 11/30/17 12:00 PM

Re: Ask An Admin
You're always behind on some shows LOL

hmmm favorite Non-PR movie I thought the Goosebumps one was pretty good. That's the only one that's coming to me at the moment.

Which Sailor Moon series did you like better? the 90s one or the current Crystal one?

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