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-   -   PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=5619)

PRangerX 11/30/14 10:14 PM

PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved
Pro-board.org isn't working right now seems to be an issue on the hosts end. Use Kamenridercentral.com in the mean time. If the site does go down completely don't worry I will figure something out.

MattEmily 11/30/14 11:18 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working
seems like both that domain and your main site's domain are down. The pages are claiming that the domains are expired.

PRangerX 11/30/14 11:25 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working
Domains are renewed into 2015, the host domain expired today. Seems to have effected the the dns for those domains. I fear it might effect all the domains if this isn't fixed. If the site goes down you know why. But rest assured I will find a new home if neccessarly. Hope it doesn't come to that. This all literaly just happened in the early evening.

MattEmily 11/30/14 11:31 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working
strange... I wonder if your host is aware of the issue anyway...
yeah let's hope it doesn't come to that (all of your domains going down) 'cause otherwise all of your domains will be going including rangerarchive.com and the current board one that is working right now which is kamenridercentral.com.

PRangerX 11/30/14 11:36 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working
Yeah, I just backed up the database. So assuming everything is backed up right I should have that if things get bad. I really don't want to move since it will be a pain at first but lets wait and see. This just happened. Who knows maybe the domain will be renewed or I will find another way to point the domain to the server.

The problem is the dns they gave me to point the domain to the right ip ( which allows us to use the domains to access the site) was based on the domain that expired. The sites are all up and not deleted. But the domain being pointed to the expired page has caused a few of our domains to point to the wrong place. When a domain changes dns it can sometimes take 24 to 48 hours to change completely. So I am worried that all the domains will point to the wrong place in a day or so. If that happens and I can't find a way to get it fixed the only option is to move.

MattEmily 11/30/14 11:50 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working
so you just backed it up like today or yesterday or something? if so then that's good.

I don't blame you for being worried about it and it doesn't help that your host isn't very good in regards to having decent contact information.

PRangerX 12/01/14 12:05 AM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working
Some stuff I was backing up tonight. Did some back ups of the main stuff tonight. The only stuff from that probaly changed was the board. Took another db database back up.

It what could be very good news, I found another way to point my domains to the host using the ip. I am typing on pro-board.org right now. Might take a bit for everyone to see the fix. Powerrangersonline.com was effected and was fixed as well. If my other domains go down I will do the same for them.

MattEmily 12/01/14 09:19 AM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Should start working soon
looks like everything is back to normal. All of your other sites appear to be unaffected by the bad page.

PRangerX 12/03/14 07:48 AM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved
Turns out the host renewed their domain anyway. So the situation would hav resolved itself.

Zabitan 12/03/14 10:40 AM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved
Well shoot son.

MattEmily 12/03/14 11:47 AM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 48647)
Turns out the host renewed their domain anyway. So the situation would hav resolved itself.

strange... and that must suck for you since now you probably had to go back in to re-edit for your site and for the board domains, LOL.

PRangerX 12/04/14 12:07 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 48649)
strange... and that must suck for you since now you probably had to go back in to re-edit for your site and for the board domains, LOL.

Just gonna keep things the way they are. The sites work the same either way.

MattEmily 12/04/14 12:20 PM

Re: PRO-board.org isn't working edit: Problem Resolved
let's hope so... for your sake, LOL.

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