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Kaoskid 01/17/18 10:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
The Ogre, who was barely holding off two knights, is thrown for a loop by the attack of Benny. He kicks Alec away and attempts to fend off the axe with his club, only for the lance to catch his exposed flank. Turning to Strawn only gave Alec a second to return to strike him in the leg. Blocking Alec's sword only gave the others openings.

"Isn't 3 on 1 a little unfair?" He grumbled

"Says the ten foot tall, half a ton ogre." Alec grumbled. Despite his snark, Alec was tired. He was catching a lot of blows and it was starting to drain his stamina.

Hexagon Ranger 01/23/18 05:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn could see the Red Ranger getting tired.

"I got your back man"

Strawn twirled his Lance and began striking the Ogre repeatly.

Kaoskid 01/27/18 03:19 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Sparks flew as the Ogre was wounded. The club shattered into pieces.

Quantum Hunter 01/29/18 01:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny looks up at hiw new comrads and is impressed

"Thats awesome guys! But what do we do now" .

Hexagon Ranger 01/29/18 01:28 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Well he is down for the count so lets triple team him to finish him"said Strawn

Hayley Oliver 01/29/18 01:34 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them

Yellow Ranger: Marlena is a descendent of Morgana. She has always had nightmares about her return. And only learns they are based on reality when she becomes a Ranger. Marlena is ashamed of her heitage and affraid that she will turn evil like her evil ancestor. She thus is very loyal to the Rangers and wants to make up for her bloodline's crimes. Her main weapon is the Double Mace. She is also skilled in Ninjitsu.She may have magical potential down the line.

Marlena watches on as the three heroes battle the monster. And remembers this from her dreams. She looks with shame at the old wizard besides them. But also feels she needs to help the three worriers. Perhaps her nightmares were all too real.

Quantum Hunter 01/29/18 01:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny readies his axe determined to help his new friends.

" Lets finish him then!"

Hexagon Ranger 01/29/18 01:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"You bet! " says Strawn as he positions his axe for the final strike. "On your command Red."

Kaoskid 02/01/18 07:53 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec powers up his blade. " Alright, Knights. FINAL SLASH!"

A red energy flew as Alec slashed down with all his might.

Hexagon Ranger 02/01/18 11:48 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn's blade glows black as he makes his final strike.

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