View Full Version : Will Judd Lynn still be the showrunner?

Space Seasons
05/09/18, 11:17 AM
After Hasbro takes over.

05/09/18, 11:19 AM
I suspect Hasbro will eventually bring in their own people. Especially if they are going to use union writers. I don't see any major chages until Beast Masters is finished.

Sailor Saban
05/09/18, 11:20 AM
No, because he never was. Saban has always been showrunner for every non Disney seaspne and will continue to do so. We are still in the Neo Saban era. Hasbro buying the franchise is just more of a partnership. I am sure Saban will officially buy it back later.

Massive Ego
05/09/18, 11:22 AM
No, because he never was. Saban has always been showrunner for every non Disney seaspne and will continue to do so. We are still in the Neo Saban era. Hasbro buying the franchise is just more of a partnership. I am sure Saban will officially buy it back later.

An invovlement Saban may have had with the series since his return is just about done, deal with it. Imagine

I susect Lynn bows out which would be a shame, since I would love to see if he can be the old Judd Lynn without Saban Brands in charge.

Captain Mutiny
05/09/18, 11:25 AM
To be fair Saban is a consultant and Saban Brands will stillhelp with the brand. So is not a total departure like the Disney buyout. But I don't see Saban personaloy overseeing creative. And really that has never been his role, side from a little more invovlement in season 1. This is the Hasbro Era going forward.

MMPR Forever
05/09/18, 11:29 AM
I am sad to see Saban go, since I really want an MMPR revival that is proper. Plus Ninja Steel was at least a good series. Hopefully Hasbro beings in the old MMPR Crew.

Inner Senshi
05/09/18, 11:31 AM
I don't really care who writes the shows. As lone as the episodes remain good, I don't care.

Sentai Envy
05/09/18, 11:34 AM
They should just put the Japenese Creative Team in charge of American Sentai. But they probably won't.

05/09/18, 05:13 PM
I am sad to see Saban go, since I really want an MMPR revival that is proper. Plus Ninja Steel was at least a good series. Hopefully Hasbro beings in the old MMPR Crew.

that was never happening. Walter and Amy Jo were never working on a non-union project

They should just put the Japenese Creative Team in charge of American Sentai. But they probably won't.

that wouldn't be wise and stop wishing for that you're being utterly ridiculous the stupid Sentai project is already there for you so go watch that instead of trying to ruin OUR entertainment it's clear you hate it so go watch the freaking original

Sentai Mighty
05/10/18, 08:18 AM
If Hasbro thinks they can ditch Toei...Their out of their minds. Everyone knows Bandai America got screwed here. They should have been allowed to buy the franchise. If I was Toei I would be pissed and cancel American Sentai. And then once the non compete expired , export dubbed Japanese Sentai. Which will replace the terrible remake.

Usagi Reborn
05/10/18, 08:21 AM
If Hasbro thinks they can ditch Toei...Their out of their minds. Everyone knows Bandai America got screwed here. They should have been allowed to buy the franchise. If I was Toei I would be pissed and cancel American Sentai. And then once the non compete expired , export dubbed Japanese Sentai. Which will replace the terrible remake.

Except the the whole idea of ditching Toei is just fanboy speculation. Right up there with moving filming back to Valencia California. It has no basis in fact and shouldn't be taking too seriously. You can't crucify someone for something they haven't done yet. Also I doubt Bandai America was in a position to buy the brand. Also, Toei won cancel PR, even if they could.

Space Crazy
05/10/18, 11:37 AM
I really hope Hasbro is smart enough to keep Judd on.

05/10/18, 11:41 AM
I really hope tney watch RPM and hire Eddie.

05/14/18, 07:47 PM
Only if he is union. Since Habro won't be cheap and stay non union.

White Tiger Fan
05/16/18, 11:39 AM
Once Amit is playing back in charge, perhaps Judd can remain on as story editor.

05/16/18, 12:36 PM
Amit will NEVER be working on the show. Hasbro hiring him to work on the show is about as likely as every warrior, zord and Megazord teaming up to battle multiple enemies.