View Full Version : Is Cam a Samurai Ranger?

Inner Senshi
10/20/17, 05:13 PM
I mean as in one related to the Samurai season....

Quantum Hunter
10/20/17, 09:50 PM
I don't think there is a connection! His mother's side is just a different kind of Samurai. PR has those overlapping castes sometimes. The same way Brody's family has nothing to do with Ninja Storm.

Summer Is Rich
10/20/17, 10:05 PM
Its possible. But Cam had no knowledge of symbol power. And niether did Miko.

10/20/17, 10:36 PM
He's a Samurai Ranger but not in relation to the ones we later saw.

No Green Spandex
10/21/17, 12:01 PM
We don't know for sure either way. I wouldn't completely rule it out though.

Power Sentai
10/21/17, 05:32 PM
The problem is Cam's backstory was thought up long before Samurai got theirs. So it creates a strange anomaly continuitywise.

10/21/17, 05:43 PM
Well he is a Samurai Ranger. Just not connected to the Samurai Clans we later see. He has no symbol power. I suppose he could learn though. As we saw with Antonio. Who was never any kind of Samurai by blood.

Green With Envy
10/21/17, 08:43 PM
I think so. But Miko was not a decendent of the main Samurai line that eas charged with fighting the Nighloks.

Samurai Forever
10/21/17, 08:48 PM
There is no reason why she couldn't be a descendent of the Samurai Ranger line. She probably wasn't first in line if she was sent to the Ninja Academy to train. Neither is Cam...But I believe Mike is Cam's distant cousin.

10/21/17, 09:20 PM
We don't know for sure either way. I wouldn't completely rule it out though.

well we do know that the last Red Samurai Ranger before Jayden and Lauren was their Dad and he was still using Symbol Powers and I believe previous members of their teams had used Symbol Powers as well BUT we never saw that with Cam

Lord Zedd
10/21/17, 10:18 PM
Cam never learned how. Perhaps he may have learned after Ninja Storm. But he diffinitly wouldn't have been in line to be a Samuari Ranger.

Forever Jason
10/21/17, 10:35 PM
They are not related. Miko's family are completely different from the symbol powered Samurai. We don't know have any real power . They may have never used the true power of the Green Amulet until Cam.

Itzy Bitzy Carter
10/22/17, 07:58 PM
I don't seetp the connection either. Other than them both being Samurais.

Lord Jedite
10/22/17, 10:22 PM
It's too much a consequence, he has to be related to the Samurai Rangers. Sensei talked about other forms of training besides Ninja. It was probably Samurai training. Which may have included Symbol Training .

Diabolico Rising
10/23/17, 11:08 AM
I have wondered this too. But I doubt any of the production staff was worried about this when Samurai waw created.