View Full Version : Power Ranger Powers

Lord Vrak
04/04/15, 07:19 AM
We know Ranger teams are powered by the morphing grid. But we have seen Ranger teams have additional plwer sources like the Power Coins, Zeo Crystal, Quasar Sabers, Dino Gems, ect....So does the morphing grid share the power with these other power sources?

04/04/15, 07:23 AM
This is just me. But I have always liked to think that you link a power source to the Grid itself to create Power Rangers. This is why the Animarium Worriers and Mystic Worriers of the past weren't Power Rangers. Their powers were later connected to the morphing grid so their heirs couls be Power Rangers. The Ancient Samurai obviously connected to the grid during their lifetimes. So I would say the grid and power source goes hand in hand. But thats just how I like to think of it.

Adam White Tiger
04/04/15, 07:24 AM
But what about the man made powers? Lightspeed And Overdrive? Did they just connect to the grid only?

Everyone Loves Rocky
04/04/15, 10:06 PM
I think the power coins were made from the morphing grid. The Zeo Crystal was probably powered by the grid.

04/05/15, 06:24 AM
We know Ranger teams are powered by the morphing grid. But we have seen Ranger teams have additional plwer sources like the Power Coins, Zeo Crystal, Quasar Sabers, Dino Gems, ect....So does the morphing grid share the power with these other power sources?

Yes I do think every team has been linked to the Morphing Grid even RPM although in their universe Dr. K called it the Bio Field.

04/05/15, 03:58 PM
There must have been Rangsr teams in the RPM universe since we saw an Overdrive helmet in "History".

Massive Ego
04/05/15, 04:00 PM
Only because the producers were too lazy tk build an original helmet.

Captain Codfish
04/05/15, 04:11 PM
It would have been way too expensive for a throwaway scene. Especially for a season that already had budget issues. Not to mention the time and effort it would take.