View Full Version : Are Dayu and Deker the most tragic characters?

Nighlok Hunter
03/23/15, 10:00 AM
Dayu and Deker have the most tragic back story. Deker died and Dayu gave her humanity to save him. Only for Deker to be cursed not remember her. And Dayu had to become a nighlok.

03/23/15, 10:09 AM
Most definitely. Deker died and Dayu gave her humanity away in order to save him but she was cursed to become a Nighlok as was Deker and he doesn't remember anything about his past other than he has a human form for some reason and they didn't even get a "happy ever after" ending either since they were both killed off instead of turning good.

No Green Spandex
03/23/15, 04:53 PM
Kinda ironic since Samurai is considered a silly and more kid friendly season yet it has the most dark storyline in franchise history. It makes Power /Rangers jealous.

Jen's Revenge
03/23/15, 04:55 PM
I guess it shows why you don't make deals with evil. It never pays off and you usualky do more harm than good. Dayu tried to cheat Deker's death and only made things worse. It actually makes the two great characters. Since they have that depth.

Dayu's Tears
03/23/15, 04:58 PM
Most diffinitly. I really felt sorry for them both. Dayu was manipulated into making a rash decision. And Deker didn't even choose his curse.

MMPR Forever
03/27/15, 10:53 PM
Deker and Dayu should have had happy endings. I didn't like that at all. We will see how I feel about it after re-watching the season.

03/27/15, 10:57 PM
It was the best part of the season in terms of writing. It was tragic and well written. It really gave Samurai some realism and balanced out some of the comedy. The Dayu back story is one of the more impressive origins for a pr villain for a long time.

Green Scorpion Ranger
03/31/15, 11:41 PM
I was surprised because I was expecting them to turn good and live happily ever after. Only similar ending I could thinking of was Adler. But be was far from an innocent. As he was guilty of murder.

Gosei Gold
03/31/15, 11:42 PM
Could Adler have been Cole's true biological father?

No Green Spandex
03/31/15, 11:45 PM
It would have made the story even more tragic for Cole. Plus it would have given Adler all the more reason to turn evil. It wouldn't justify his actions, just make them even more believable.

Green Alien Ranger
03/31/15, 11:46 PM
So Adler would be a potential Lion Ranger?

Captain Codfish
03/31/15, 11:48 PM
I would suspect that Cole's mother would have been the link to Animeria in this senario. This is actually a great fan theory that I never thought of.

Massive Ego
03/31/15, 11:50 PM
Yes very creative. But all it is a fan theory. Only true in potential fan fiction and not the show.