View Full Version : Would the Power Rangers still have been a success if it started at a different time?

11/01/14, 08:59 PM
If it started with a different Sentai series, do you think it would have been the phenomenon it was with MMPR? Like, what if it started a few years later with Ohranger or a few years before in the '80s? Heck, what if the Power Rangers JUST started in 2014?

11/01/14, 09:10 PM
A very interesting question. In a lot of ways MMPR caught lightening in a bottle. The dinosuar them of Zuyranger was diffinitly part of its appeal. So I am going to say no. It wouldn't have been as big if they started with Oh Ranger anything else. If it came along today it wouldnt be the same. We live in a different time. MMPR was very ninities, I just don't see PR gaining a foothold if it started now. Everything is just so oversaturated these day.

11/02/14, 09:22 AM
I agree with you PRangerX that things just wouldn't be the same.

Power Rangers started at just the perfect time especially with the whole success of the Jurassic Park movie so Power Rangers having dinosaurs for zords was just icing on the cake.