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View Full Version : What if Lord Drakkon had kids?

PR Natural Instinct
02/04/21, 11:26 AM
What if Lord Drakkon had kids with
Rita Repulsa, Scorpina, Divatox, & Elsa.
Before he killed them.

02/10/21, 09:25 AM
I could see them growing up to become an evil Ranger Team. Or they could do a different route and have them try to be good people..

02/10/21, 01:35 PM
His children would combine their powers (which would be his powers equally divided between them) and would eventually turn against their own father. They would actually be evenly matched so Drakkon's little mission of conquesting every Ranger in every dimension would basically become the never-ending battle between the children and their parent.

Then, each of the children would learn how to travel back in time in any dimension from any dimension and just start undoing what their father did in the first place for their own evil, selfish reasons. It wouldn't be long before the children would turn against each other because one would have more power than another and one would always want the upper-hand in certain things. Their competitive battle would eventually lead into Drakkon loosing most of his powers & abilities, with him using his very last ones to try and stop himself from even having his children. However, due the recent events Drakkon would become confused and actually undo his own existance, thus returning all dimensional timelines back to what and how they were before he came along, without anyone even remembering what went on, or even anyone being able to remember that Lord Drakkon ever exsited.

PR Natural Instinct
02/10/21, 06:37 PM
Let's name the kids of Drakkon.

What if Tommy Oliver had kids in other dimensions with
Kimberly, Katherine, Dimitria and Hayley? What if they kids become evil while Lord Drakoon's children becomes the Good rangers?

02/14/21, 10:41 AM
Tommy 's Kids

Tommy Jason (Kimberly), Anton ( Hayley), Mercedes (Kat), Zordonna (Dimitria)and

Drakkon's Kids

Tammy Repulsa (Rita Repulsa),Scorpintino ( Scorpina), Hook (Divatox), and Randal (Elsa)

Interesting idea having Tommy's kids go evil and Drakkon's being good.